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發表於 2017-6-17 01:24:01 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A Partnership for National Unity Parliamentarian,Matt Ryan Falcons Jersey UK, Volda Lawrence, said that her party does not support any form of abuse towards women. The Party is committed to reviewing the Sexual Offences Act with the aim of ensuring that there is no miscarriage of justice through any loopholes which the current act may contain.Lawrence was at the time commenting on the 2012 budget debate in the National Assembly.According Lawrence, there are 19 women representatives in the National Assembly. However, there are more than 200,Vic Beasley Jr Falcons Jersey UK,000 women outside the House who do not subscribe to any form of abuse by any person in our society.This view, Lawrence said,Dwight Freeney Falcons Jersey UK, permeates every class,Jack Ham Steelers Jersey UK, colour and age group and does not vindicate those who would use their status, office,Eddie Lacy Packers Jersey UK, or wealth to abuse women.“One case in point is a call for the removal of the Commissioner of Police Henry Greene forthwith from office”.Lawrence said the constant abuse of one’s office must stop. “Our women,Nick Perry Packers Jersey UK, boys and girls must be free from those who have hidden predatory instincts for sex and sexual favours”.The Guyana Women’s Lawyers Association came in for high praise for having recently held an informative and interesting session on the topic of abuse. Lawrence said that in today’s society women have broken the gender barriers which once existed within the labour market.“We have shown that we can hold positions at every stratum,Reggie White Packers Jersey UK, be it at an executive level,Brett Favre Packers Jersey UK, in the laboratory or in the factory.”Notwithstanding these achievements, Lawrence said there is a growing concern that work is equal, but pay is not. “This behaviour is more prevalent in the private sector and we must guard against it and stamp it out whenever and wherever it is found”.Lawrence said that this doubtedly calls for more women to get involved in the Trade Union Movement. Women must not see themselves merely as benchwarmers but must seek to run for higher office within these organizations.She added that with women leadership positions in our Trade Unions, equal work with equal pay and the resurgence of sexual harassment in the work place will be more adequately addressed.“The time has come for more radical steps to be made on domestic abuse…no more stamp it out no more black and blue…I call on this Government to take firm action against those in our midst who believe they can abuse others, go to jail and spend time on taxpayers’ money.”Lawrence pointed out that every organization religious, social and educational have spoken out against violence but yet this reckless behaviour continues unabated in the society.Daily, she said, the different newspapers continue to reports on murders,Mike Webster Steelers Jersey UK, vicious attacks on women and men and other incident of abuse. “The time has come now for us to address this issue in a comprehensive manner taking into account modern social work intervention techniques, including counseling by trained professionals.”She added that it is believed that energies must now focus on repairing the young minds in the society through social programmes in the education system. She called for data to be gathered and analyzed to prepare a realistic approach for addressing this scourge.

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