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發表於 2017-6-17 08:04:38 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Murder accused,John Elway Broncos Jersey, Anthony Morrison,LaDainian Tomlinson Jets Jersey, was yesterday called on to lead his defence. He is on trial for the unlawful killing of his reputed wife, Donna Thomas.Anthony MorrisonMorrison is on trial before Justice Priya Beharry and a mixed Jury at the High Court in Georgetown. According to the indictment, Morrison is said to have murdered Thomas on May 26,Jack Tatum Raiders Jersey, 2012.  The woman had been living with Morrison at the time of her death.State Pathologist, Dr. Nehaul Singh had testified that based on a post mortem,Seth Joyner Eagles Jersey, Thomas died of asphyxiation compounded by compression injuries to the neck along with blunt cranial trauma. He had explained that the marks on the victim’s remains indicated that she was choked and hit in the head with a blunt object.In an unsworn statement,Joe Montana Chiefs Jersey, yesterday, Morrison told the court that he did not know what happened to his partner.  The man claimed that on May 25, 2012 he left for work about 7:00 am. He said that he later returned home but he does not know what happed to his spouse.“I don’t know anything about this charge. I did not give the police a statement. I want know who kill Donna … I am innocent ma’am,Jonathan Ogden Ravens Jersey,” Morrison said in response to the indictment.He is being represented by Defence Attorney Arun Gajraj.  Both, Gajraj and State Prosecutor Stacey Goodings are expected to submit their closing addresses when the trial resumes at 10:00 am today.Meanwhile the High Court trial of Agricola resident,Charles Mann Redskins Jersey, Balram Singh, is set to commence today.Singh is accused of the murder of taxi driver, Bomeshwar Sukdeo. He pleaded not guilty to the indictment yesterday after a mixed 12-member jury was empanelled before Justice Navindra Singh at the Georgetown High Court.   He is being represented by Attorney -at -law,Bruce Matthews Titans Jersey, Jermaine Jarvis. State Prosecutor, Narissa Leander is presenting the case.According to the charge, the incident occurred between January 19 and January 27, 2010.  According to reports, the victim had gone missing. He was murdered after his car was stolen.  Sukdeo’s charred remains were identified days later on the Mocha Arcadia access road.Reports further indicated that the deceased was shot in the head and burnt. Balram Singh,Howie Long Raiders Jersey, of Agricola, Greater Georgetown, was subsequently arrested.  He had allegedly admitted to selling Sukhdeo’s car to a taxi service in Grove, East Bank Demerara.

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