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發表於 2017-6-17 09:02:49 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Three bandits, all armed with 9mm pistols,Valeri Nichushkin Jersey, have left a remigrant Guyanese family traumatized after invading their home on Diwali night (Tuesday) and robbing them of an undisclosed amount in cash jewellery and high end electronic equipment.And to make matters worse, Motielall, called Sunil,Jason Pominville Jersey, and his family are livid at the slow and callous response to their plight by the police although the Alberttown Police Station is just about four blocks away from their Peter Rose and Lance Gibbs Streets residence.Motielall who returned with his family from Florida, USA,Mikael Granlund Jersey, about two years ago, recalled that he was attending to some diyas outside his house with one of his two sons when the bandits struck.The bandits had arrived in a white car which they parked on Peter Rose Street and entered, Motielall’s yard from the side entrance.“I heard my wife screaming and the next thing we saw were two guys with guns in the kitchen with my wife and my older son…I saw another guy coming up the front steps,” Motielall recalled.He said that the guns the bandits were carrying all appeared to be 9mm pistols and they were fitted with extended magazines.According to Motielall, the men began threatening to kill them,Darcy Kuemper Jersey, while forcefully demanding “De gold and US (currency)”“These guys don’t look like more than 26 years but all had 9mm,Nino Niederreiter Jersey,” Motielall said.He stated that they gave the men everything they had. However,Dylan Larkin Team North America Jersey, his son scuffled with one of the bandits when they tried to take his cellular phone.“That’s when they struck me in my head with a gun,” the re-migrant stated.In addition to the cash and jewellery,ED Belfour Jersey, the bandits made off with five cell phones, one Ipad and a laptop computer.Kaieteur News understands that even as the robbery was taking place,Jacob Trouba Team North America Jersey, neighbours were alerted to what was taking place and they tried to contact the police on the 911 hotline but were unsuccessful.“They (police) came about half hour later,” Motielall said.According to an eyewitness the police gave a ridiculous excuse for not responding to the 911 call.“They say people does call and make them fools (and) that is why they don’t respond,Trevor Van Riemsdyk Jersey,” the eyewitness explained.He told this newspaper that the ordeal was especially traumatic for his children.“They are not taking it too well. But we are thankful they did not shoot us,” he added.No one has so far been arrested but the Police say they are investigating.

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