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發表於 2017-6-17 10:59:37 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The relatives of a Golden Grove,Andre Branch Dolphins Jersey, East Coast Demerara motorcyclist are in a state of shock following his death less than a day after he was picked up in an unconscious condition on the Paradise Public Road following a motorcycle accident.Dead is 39-year-old Dexter Bristol called ‘ension’.Dead: Dexter BristolKaieteur News understands that on Tuesday night,NBA Authentic Jerseys, last, Bristol was heading home on a motor scooter when he reportedly swerved from some horses and crashed into an aluminum rail along the side of the road.Since it was late in the night,NFL Jerseys China Online, with hardly any traffic on the road, the badly injured Bristol lay motionless in the grass until alert passersby in a vehicle stopped and rendered him some assistance.He was taken to the hospital, and according to relatives,Kyle Korver Hawks Jersey, he had showed signs of improvement up to Wednesday afternoon.So it was a total shock to relatives and fellow villagers when they learnt that the popular father of six had succumbed on Wednesday night.His sister, Audrey told this newspaper that Bristol was with friends at the Golden Grove Market up to around midnight Tuesday before he left to go home at Non Pareil, a few miles away.She said that she learnt that while on his way home he crashed his motor cycle and was lying on the parapet before some caring passersby in a vehicle stopped and took him to the Georgetown Public Hospital.“They saw his bike and stopped. When they checked, they saw him lying in the grass.When they picked him up, they did not recognize him at first, but along the way to the hospital, someone recognized him and called him by name and he responded,” Audrey Bristol told Kaieteur News.She explained that the persons who recognized him contacted his relatives,Cheap Jerseys From China, who immediately hurried down to the Georgetown Hospital where they saw Bristol bleeding through his mouth, nose and ears.She explained that they did not see many visible bruises on Bristol’s body. “All the injuries were in the head.”According to Audrey Bristol, her brother appeared to be recovering quickly after the initial treatment.“Yesterday (Wednesday) he was coming out of it. He gave the hospital his name. When we were cleaning him he dozed off and we thought that he was just tired, so we left him and went home.”Audrey Bristol related that while at home on Wednesday evening,Deion Sanders Falcons Jersey, they began hearing rumours that her brother was dead.Immediately they returned to the hospital where the news of Bristol’s death was confirmed.

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