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NFL Jerseys Cheap China house on April 13









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發表於 2017-6-17 11:43:23 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Keeran DannyThe insurance company of the ill-fated American-registered aircraft, a twin-engine Piper Aztec with registration number N27-FT that crashed into a Sparendaam, East Coast Demerara, house on April 13, has not yet come to the fore, and, this is being deemed unusual.This assertion was made by Paula Mc Adam, Guyana Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA)’s Director of Aviation Safety Regulation, during a telephone interview yesterday.Pierre Angiel owned and piloted the ill-fated aircraftIn fact, the GCAA has been unable to ascertain the name of the insurance company. Mc Adam said that normally whenever there are incidents of this type, insurance companies “are usually quick on the scene”.According to Zulficar Mohamed, Director of GCAA, whenever an aircraft enters international territory, certain documents including a valid certificate of airworthiness, and insurance must be presented. However,NFL Jerseys From China, he was also unable to provide the name of the insurance company.Two Saturdays ago, the aircraft, owned and piloted by Pierre Angiel of Angiel EnviroSafe, Inc., on a technical survey mission for the Amaila Falls project,Cheap Jerseys From China, crashed into a Sparendaam house owned by Florence Tyndall, just after taking off from the Ogle International Airport.Angiel and his passenger, Canadian Scientist Nick Dmitriev perished. Their charred remains were removed from the crash site the same evening. The remnants of the aircraft are being stored at Air Services Limited’s bond at La Bonne Intention.Even though Angiel perished in the crash and will not benefit from the insurance money, Tyndall,Cheap Sports Jerseys, whose house was completely destroyed, needs money to rebuild her home. From the inception, Government made it clear that it will not be compensating Tyndall.According to Transport Minister, Robeson Benn, the insurance company would have to compensate Tyndall, while Government will only provide some support.Like Kaieteur News, GCAA has been trying to make contact with Angiel EnviroSafe, Inc., but the telephone number on the website is going to voicemail and the email contact is Pierre Angiel’s personal email address. There is also no other information on the company’s website that indicates who could be contacted for information. And, the address given for the business is Miami, Florida.According to Mc Adam, no checks have been made as yet to verify if Angiel EnviroSafe, Inc.,Fernando Rodney Jersey, is indeed a physical company, taking into consideration the difficulty in contacting a representative of the company.Meanwhile, the remains of the aircraft including the engine have been placed in crates, waiting to be transported to the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) in the United States of America.According to Mohamed, the NTSB has to provide the specific address for the remains to be shipped. He explained that the manufacturer of the aircraft has been identified, but because the manufacturer has different facilities, the remains must be sent to the facility from where it originated.Firefighters stand in the smoldering debris at the crash site.However, investigations into the incident are still ongoing. This is the second probe being executed at the behest of the NTSB.GCAA has not yet interviewed all technical persons who were in contact with the aircraft since it was in Guyana. Mohamed said that he was unaware of certain defects the aircraft had when it landed in Guyana and has promised to extend his investigations.According to Charles Hutson, Engineer of Wings Aviation’s hangar,Cheap Jerseys Free, Angiel’s aircraft like many aircraft after a number of years had some defects. He said that Angiel had mentioned two defects to him.Hutson said that Angiel was concerned that the light of the undercarriage lock of the aircraft was not working. As such, Angiel was unable to determine when the undercarriage was locked or opened. In addition,NFL Jerseys China Online, the auto pilot electrical system socket was ‘popping’, interfering with the circuit breaker.And importantly, Hutson confirmed earlier reports in this publication that two days prior to the crash, the right engine of the aircraft ‘popped’ when it took off from Ogle. Angiel was expected to return after the flight to repair that flaw. According to a source, when Angiel was warned about the engine problem he brushed it off.Hutson did not comment on if the aircraft was airworthy, but said that Angiel should have had a mechanic on board, taking into consideration the state of the aircraft and the fact that no aviation workshop in Guyana is permitted to repair an FAA-registered aircraft.Without any family member present, Angiel was cremated on Monday. The only person in attendance to witness the cremation ceremony was a representative of the United States Embassy in Guyana, says a source at the Lyken Funeral home.Canadian Scientist Nick Dmitriev was cremated on Thursday last. His grieving wife, Tatiana, and her two daughters Elena and Ellie were present at his cremation. Mrs. Dmitriev and her daughters visited the crash site and held a prayer service in his memory.

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