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發表於 2017-6-18 14:04:22 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– Mayor requests audience with Local Gov’t Minister over works conducted in city  While expressing gratitude on the works conducted in the city under theSome of the extensive clean-up works that have been executed in and around the city.“Clean up My Country Campaign,LaDarius Gunter Packers Jersey,” which was initiated by the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development, the Georgetown Mayor and City Council has called on the Minister of Local Government, Mr. Norman Whittaker to enlighten the Municipality and general public on the project’s development.The massive $1B project was advanced by government, last year. Citizens, especially those in the city were expected to benefit from the clean-up exercise under which a sum of some $100 million dollars was expected to be expended on Le Repentir Cemetery.The Local Government Ministry, in some cases had planned to rehabilitate several sluices,Devonta Freeman Falcons Jersey, main canals,John Hannah Patriots Jersey, parapets,Deion Sanders Falcons Jersey, alleyways,Julian Edelman Patriots Jersey, cemeteries, monuments, public spaces,Joe Greene Steelers Jersey, markets and the seawall during the projected six month-long project. As it relates to solid waste,L.C. Greenwood Steelers Jersey, a number of illegal dump sites were identified and special emphasis was to be placed on the garbage problem.In a public missive issued yesterday, the M&CC stated that on behalf of the citizens of Georgetown, the Mayor and City Council wishes to express profound gratitude to the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development for the works it has done in the City.In the circumstances, Mayor of Georgetown Hamilton Green,Eddie Lacy Packers Jersey, the release went on to state, has requested the  Minister of Local Government to invite the Council, the media, community development groups and members of civil society, on a tour around the city to examine the works done in the City of Georgetown, be informed, by the Minister about the individual cost of the different projects and activities and be briefed about unfinished works in local communities and time- lines for the completion of such works.The Mayor has expressed hope that this tour of Georgetown could be done next week or the earliest time convenient to the Minister.  According to the statement,Ross Cockrell Steelers Jersey, the Mayor and Councillors will be available within 24 hours to be on the tour organised by the Minister.

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