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發表於 2017-6-18 16:02:56 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– Chancellor aims at October startChancellor of the Judiciary, the Honourable Mr. Justice Carl Singh, says that the newly built Family Court could have been ready today, but there is no furniture in the building.Singh spoke briefly to this newspaper yesterday about some issues surrounding the facility.“I would have started today….but there is no furniture in the building,Matt Kemp Jersey, no computers,New York Yankees Tyler Clippard Jersey,” Justice Singh told Kaieteur News, when asked about when the court would become functional.Chancellor of the Judiciary,Erick Aybar Jersey, Justice Carl SinghThe Chancellor explained that with regards to the Rules of the court, a Trinidadian Consultant, who is a member of the judiciary there,Washington Nationals Joe Blanton Jersey, was referred to them.Justice Singh said that the draft was set, through the efforts of the local Rules Committee. Singh explained that the consultant had to do remedial works on the document and took longer than expected.The chancellor further expressed that he hopes the rules are ready by the end of September. He noted that if there is the likelihood that the revision of the rules would go beyond September month end, then once there is furniture in the court he would issue a practice rule to bring the court into order.With this being said, the chancellor also disclosed that the judiciary, along with the Canadian International Development Agency, is working on a programme which would see judges and personnel being trained for the family court.That training would begin sometime in October,R.A. Dickey Jersey, Singh disclosed.Cabinet Secretary, Dr Roger Luncheon had stated that the setting up of the court is in keeping with a promise made by the PPP/C in its 2006 manifesto.“The Family Court rules and the rules committee is still in a state that has been devil progress to match the physical work that was done and completed the building itself identified to house the Family Court.”Minister of Human Services and Social Security, Priya Manickchand, had said the initiative of a Family Court was prompted by the awareness that the family unit is severely affected by societal demoralisation.The new facility will handle issues such as divorce, division of property,Taijuan Walker Jersey, domestic matters, adoption,Arizona Diamondbacks Gregor Blanco Jersey, guardianship and custody.In early 2009,Howie Kendrick Jersey, Cabinet granted a two-fold approval to establish the court and erect aThe newly constructed Family Courtstructure in which the entity would be housed.“This means that the process of compartmentalising family law should begin even before the completion of the building and indicates the significance placed on judicial preparedness in family welfare matters,” the Minister had stated.The new, two-storey building, has replicated the architectural style of the Supreme Court,Arizona Diamondbacks Kevin Jepsen Jersey, its adjoining mediation centre and library.

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