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發表於 2017-6-18 17:40:27 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Today is the last day for the submission of nominations for the Guyana Manufacturing & Services Association’s (GMSA) Annual Awards for exceptional achievements.The Association will hold its 17th Annual Awards Presentation and Dinner next Thursday in the Savannah Suite of the Guyana Pegasus Hotel at which the medium, small and large scale enterprises that have made significant strides during the year will be recognized and tangibly rewarded.The awards regime includes: Attainment of international standards certification including ISO and HACCP; International Market Penetration; Initiation/acceleration of cross-border trade; Introduction of new and innovative technologies and methodologies in Engineering and Construction and other fields of manufacturing;     Breaking new ground in Maritime,Throwback Jerseys, Tourism,Jerseys From China, Fashion Designing and other services, and Implementation of Equal Opportunity Employment Practices.The GMSA’s Board will select the recipient of the Lifetime Award from a field of Entrepreneurs whose work has made the greatest impact on business development and promotion over a prolonged period.  The executive will also identify the recipient of the President of Guyana’s Award for Export Achievement.The GMSA is the sole Business Support Organisation selected by the Office of the President to make this award to the most outstanding business enterprise.Banks DIH was the 2010 recipient of the President’s Award, and Nand Persaud Company Ltd., the Berbice-based producer and exporter of rice and its by-products,cheap nfl jerseys china, received the President’s nod in 2011 for expanding its export market into South and Central America.EMPRETEC Guyana,Wholesale China Jerseys, the local arm of the Switzerland-based business support organization, is also expected to identify one Guyanese manufacturer or service provider for the EMPRETECO 2012 award.Companies operating in the sectors of Forestry and Wood Products manufacturing, Agriculture and Agro-processing, Minerals,NFL Jerseys China, Pharmaceuticals, Chemicals,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, Engineering and Construction are invited to submit to the GMSA the name and profile of the company or individual they deem most eligible to receive a GMSA 2012 award in any of the categories listed.The closing date was extended to widen the field of applicants for these coveted awards.The nominations should be sent to the GMSA’s Secretariat,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, 157 Waterloo St., Georgetown by Wednesday 19th November 2012.  Nominees will thereafter be notified by mail.The GMSA Annual Awards Presentation is the longest running awards programme in Guyana.  The Association holds its 17th Presentation this year.

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