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[田徑] NFL Jerseys Supply mmvr1ojp









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發表於 2017-6-18 19:37:35 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Keeran DannyIf Government had contracted the services of a firm experienced in the laying of fibre optic cable in similar geographical conditions to Guyana’s hinterland terrain,Cheap Jerseys From China, this aspect of the Information Communication Technology (ICT) project would have been completed about 18 months ago.This notion was expressed by a reliable source, who also believes that disagreements between Government’s engineer and foreign consultants plunged the project into troubles in its infancy.According to the source, “Government had never embarked on a project of this type and instead of listening to foreign consultants with the experience and expertise it chose to listen to its local engineer…In the end the recommendations offered by the foreign consultants would now have to be utilised”, the source said.The source disclosed that Government was eyeing the Brazilian company that laid the fibre optic cable from Boa Vista to Bon Fin and onto Lethem. However,David Njoku Jersey, for reasons known only to Government,NFL Jerseys From China, it did not pursue that course. The same Brazilian consultancy firm was hired to provide its expertise.Local construction firms that responded to Government’s advertisement for the laying of the cable were given a site visit.“And, it was at that initial meeting between Government, the contractors and the consultant, the disagreements between the engineer and consultant started.”According to the source, local contractors left the site believing the project was “easy peasy” and one contractor even boasted that his company could have done the entire project for $150M. The source said contractors essentially believed that the project was “just digging a hole,Arizona Diamondbacks Fernando Rodney Jersey, placing the cable and covering the hole”.The source said the bids came in and they were really low. Physical works for the laying of the 560-kilometre cable began in April 2011 and contractors began grumbling about their bids. But they continued to lay the cable nonetheless. By that time, the supervisory consultant had changed and Fibre Optic Solution, a local firm, took up the mantle of supervising the project for at least nine months.According to the source,Dwight Howard Hawks Jersey, Fibre Optic Solution promoted itself as a competent firm, but was not supervising the project effectively. Apparently, the firm was supervising the project from Georgetown leaving the contractors to do whatever they wanted.The source revealed that the supervisory firm usually made its presence felt when Government’s E-Governance Unit visited the sites. It was emphasized that the Unit did not make any impromptu visits and this, the source opined, was its downfall. In addition, Government’s engineer was too involved in other projects and could not have effectively overlooked the project.The source said at the end the project backfired, with a significant section having to be retendered.According to the source, one of the Venezuelan companies reviewing the project told the Unit that it would cost roughly US$30 to lay one metre of cable. The source said that was around the same cost foreign companies had recommended in the initial stage. But instead, locals thought that amount was too high, and accepted bids of US$4.50 per metre.During an interview with this publication,Authentic Jerseys Sale, Alexei Ramotar, Project Manager, had admitted that the project had its ups and downs. According to Ramotar, all that is to know has been made public about the project already and the Unit would not be responding to revelations of the source.Ramotar said he cannot recall who owns Fibre Optic Solution,Jerseys From China, but said the company had approached the Unit to supervise the project. He said the company responded accurately to all the questions posed.

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