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In its quest to restore its financial credibility, the University of Guyana is currently seeking suitable persons to fill the vacancies of Bursar and Chief Accountant.The move comes on the heels of the termination of the contracts of the then appointed Bursar, John Seeram, and Chief Accountant, Hazel Bentick.  The two were sacked based on a recommendation by the Vice Chancellor, Professor Jacob Opadeyi, who, during a press conference last month, insisted that they were both guilty of unethical practices over aUG Vice Chancellor, Professor Jacob Opadeyiprolonged period.These were uncovered during a special audit of the Bursary earlier this year. The process was conducted by financial experts from the University of the West Indies who undertook the tedious task pro bono,NFL Jerseys Outlet, according to Professor Opadeyi.Following the completion of the three-phase audit,Wholesale Cheap Jerseys, it was discovered that there was rampant financial discrepancies which were damning to the extent that the relevant officials could not ascertain the amount contained in the university’s coffers.In fact, the audit revealed that the Bursary was delinquent in its mandate to honour a number of payments which resulted in a debt exceeding $480 million.The debt, according to Professor Opadeyi, included the non-payment of employees’ deductions to the National Insurance Scheme, the Guyana Revenue Authority,Cheap Jerseys From China, pension fund, as well as the cost for using the services provided by security and utility firms.The findings of the special audit, the Vice Chancellor noted, revealed that not only has the University been placed in financial jeopardy, but it runs the risk of being blacklisted by potential financial donors since there was no proper evidence of accountability. He explained that donor funding is an opportunity for the University to get grant money to expand its facilities.And primary among the recommendations proposed to restore the financial state of the University,Cheap Sports Jerseys, is the “plugging of financial leakages” which, according to Professor Opadeyi, requires the filling of the crucial positions of the Bursar and Chief Accountant with quality individuals.Also the University is seeking to fill the position of Director of its Berbice Campus. The aforementioned position was earlier this year vacated by Professor Daizal Samad. He resigned among much controversy which included allegations that the operation of the Turkeyen Campus was negatively affecting the Berbice institution.In fact Professor Samad,jerseys nfl wholesale, who as Director was required to report directly to the Vice Chancellor, disclosed that relations between him and Professor Opadeyi as well as with the “dead weight” Turkeyen Campus had become strained and distant in recent times. He accused “Turkeyen of dictating the day-to-day running of the Berbice Campus.”Other positions that the University of Guyana are currently looking to fill are that of Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academics), Deputy Vice Chancellor (Planning and Development) and Safety and Security Manager. All applications,Wholesale China Jerseys, according to a published advertisement,wholesale jerseys, must reach the office of the Registrar by Friday, October 25, 2013.

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