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發表於 2016-11-17 22:52:10 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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VENOMOUS CONCEPT — the international grind punk "supergroup" featuring BRUTAL TRUTH vocalist Kevin Sharp and bassist Danny Lilker alongside NAPALM DEATH members Shane Embury (bass) and Danny Herrera (drums),Wholesale Jerseys 2017, plus guitarist John Cooke, will release its third full-length album, "Kick Me Silly - VC III", on January 8, 2016 via Season Of Mist. "Kick Me Silly - VC III" track listing:01. Rise02. Bust With You Debt03. Anthem04. The Potters Ground05. Human Waste06. Leper Dog07. Farm Boy08. Head On A Stick09. Pretend10. Johnny Cheeseburger11. Forever War12. Good Times13. Pretty On The Inside14. Holiday In Switzerland15. Fucked In The Czech Repub16. Neck Tie17. Frontal Lobe Disorder18. Daycare19. Quazimodo20. Burning Fatigue21. Rocket Science22. Pissing Match (bonus track)The track "The Potters Ground" can be streamed below.VENOMOUS CONCEPT was conceived as something like a grind punk supergroup — if that term can even be applied to a bunch of people with clear counter culture preferences. The name was quite obviously chosen as a homage to the legendary POISON IDEA.At the core of VENOMOUS CONCEPT, you will find BRUTAL TRUTH vocalist Kevin Sharp and Shane Embury, the iconic bass guitarist of NAPALM DEATH. The two musicians had bonded over beer and pizza as well as their mutual love of such punk heroes such as BLACK FLAG, SYSTEMATIC DEATH, GBH,Cheap Jerseys From China, SIEGE,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, and,Cheap NFL Jerseys, of course, the aforementioned POISON IDEA. The duo soon set about plotting their own assault on the style. Armed with bucket loads of coffee, the pair roped in Danny Herrera of NAPALM DEATH on drums as well as MELVINS guitarist Buzz Osborne. A record deal was signed with Mike Patton and VENOMOUS CONCEPT's first album,Alameda Taamu Chiefs Jersey, "Retroactive Abortion" (2004),wholesale nfl jerseys, was followed by a a split CD with Japanese grind band 324 (2006) and another in 2008 with BLÖOD DÜSTER.Osborne eventually went on a hiatus, but he has never left and there is always a chance for his return — schedules permitting. Shane switched to guitar, when longtime friend Danny Lilker joined on bass. Next, VENOMOUS CONCEPT brought in John Cooke of CORRUPT MORAL ALTAR on second guitar for touring. A second full-length titled "Poisoned Apple" was also released in 2008.Finally and after too long of a quiet spell,Cheap Jerseys, the band decided that it was time for more pizza and beer (cue the A.O.D. classic). They got together with a bunch of ideas, which they had recorded in demo form here and there, on tour,Al Davis Raiders Jersey, and in various smelly rehearsal studios…VENOMOUS CONCEPT recorded "Kick Me Silly - VC III" during 2014, which sees the band continue in their trademark hardcore punk styles — with the added bonus of compositions by Lilker and Cooke. You will find these fire-starters branching out dynamically in order to perfect their art of grinding rock!VENOMOUS CONCEPT is:Kevin Sharp: vocalsDan Lilker: bass guitarDanny Herrera: drumsJohn Cooke: guitar,Allen Barbre Eagles Jersey, backing vocalsShane Embury: guitar, backing vocals

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