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Prime Minister Samuel Hinds yesterday told the National Assembly that the telephone companies in Guyana were doing well and as such, could shoulder not being the beneficiaries of the reduction in the corporation tax.Hinds was at the time making his presentation in the 2011 budget debate. He said that the fact that the budget is consistently growing with no new taxes reflects an improvement.He presented what he highlighted were significant improvements. These included the increase in the income tax threshold and the decrease in the corporation tax which is not applicable to the telephone companies.He insisted that they have been doing well and could shoulder not benefitting from the reduction in the taxes.The Prime Minister said that the budget presented represents growth in “our economy all around.”Hinds said,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, “As one listens to the budget there is a sense of progress, continuity and transformation.”Speaking to the statements made by the opposition that it was election budget with goodies for votes Hinds said that this was not the case given that such a budget would be a one of a kind budget.He said that an assessment of the budgets over the years would reveal a pattern.He pointed to the low projected deficit in the budget adding that had it been a high deficit it would have been indicative of a budget aimed at trying to secure friends with unsustainable spending but said this is not the case.The Prime Minister charged that we have to “build Guyana” unlike the time when the current opposition leader Robert Corbin was in charge of Mobilisation. They were sinking the country, he said.Hinds conceded that “we can’t enjoy all today but we must invest something for a better tomorrow…The budget speaks to every Guyanese to take part in the building of Guyana.”Commenting on the level by which the threshold of the income tax has bee hiked and the level of increase in pay,Alex Delvecchio Red Wings Jersey, Hinds said that “we have heard much criticism.”The Prime Minister assured the House that the administration would like to pay and is working to make higher wages a reality but wages have to be paid in a manner that is sustainable.“There must be things to distribute…we have to produce more… The budget calls on Guyanese to put their shoulder to the wheel…we can’t pay what we are not producing.”The Prime Minister said that during the first year of independence,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, “we paid what we thought we were worth without the corresponding production and ran up inflation.”He said that the PNC skyrocketed inflation and it contributed to the breakdown of society and the resort to live outside the law. ‘We don’t want to go there again”“Let’s not go in the direction of wages and salaries that can’t be sustained,” Hinds appealed to stakeholders.He said that the desire is to have the road to a better life but “what we have to do is get to that better life through work, sustained increase in pay, sustained increase in production.”In his defence of the fact that the Value Added Tax (VAT) was not lowered,Throwback Jerseys, the Prime Minister said that persons must know the truth.Hind said that should there be a lower VAT then there would be less to invest in the same persons who are complaining about lowering the tax.He said that VAT is a tax collected proportionately adding that the rich pay more in VAT than the poor.Hinds said, too,Adrian Wilson Cardinals Jersey, that “we may have forgotten no VAT is charged,Wholesale Jerseys,” on basic necessities.He said that the opposition claim to be concerned but they are deceiving people.The Prime Minister said that by lowering VAT the country would be worse off. Developed countries such as the UK had to raise their taxes.People’s National Congress Reform Executive Member, Clarrisa Riehl in her presentation said that no matter how large the budget is, and though it gets larger over the years, it signals some progress her problem is the government’s refusal to pay a living wage.She said that without paying decent living wages the administration has created a dependency syndrome in Guyana.Riehl said that were the administration to pay a decent living wage then there would be no need for persons to run from Guyana and seek to eke out a living in the Caribbean and further afield where they have to send remittances.She said that there is a need for the administration to seek to keep Guyanese at home so that they could help to build the nation.GPL generates electricity and only a small per cent is paid for legitimately she told the House saying that some people genuinely can’t afford to pay.The PNCR MP said that the raising of the personal income tax threshold means nothing to those that work for less than $40,Andrew Desjardins Jersey, 000, which she said, represent a large bracket of workers.She said that had the government reduced VAT by at least three per cent then persons would have really had something to smile about in the budget.

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