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發表於 2017-6-21 07:00:55 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A young businessman narrowly escaped death, when a bullet that was intended for his head missed and shattered the left side window of his Mitsubishi Lancer motorcar, during a daring robbery yesterday on Brickdam.Robbery victim Vinckopersaud Singh (second left) speaks to a Detective while another cop check his car for fingerprints.Vinckopersaud Singh, 43, of Ogle, East Coast Demerara, was forced to hand over $800,000 to the bandit who attacked him outside the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company Blackberry Store on Brickdam, just after midday after trailing him from a city commercial bank.A visibly shaken Persaud is convinced that he was followed after he left a Camp Street Bank and went to an eating house with his wife. From there, they headed to the GT&T office on Brickdam.Soon after parking in the parking lot,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, his wife exited the car and was heading into the cell phone store when the bandit confronted Persaud who was still sitting in the vehicle.According to an eyewitness, the bandit came up on a motorcycle that was ridden by an accomplice.“Dey circle and dem dey stop de bike a few yards away and one jump off and go and tackle de man, while de other one keep revving de bike,” the eyewitness told this newspaper.Persaud recalled that the bandit came up to him and demanded cash. He said he hesitated from a brief moment and the man discharged a round, while aiming at his head, but he managed to pull out of the way causing the bullet to shatter the window of his car.Persaud’s wife, who heard the commotion, hurried into the GT&T building and alerted the personnel there that a robbery was taking place outside.Sensing that the bandit was intent on killing him if he did not get what he wanted, Persaud took out an envelope with cash from his pouch and handed it over to his attacker.The bandit then ran back to his accomplice on the bike to make good his getaway.However, the accomplice, who was apparently aware that Persaud had been carrying the money in his pouch sent the gunman back to collect it.“The one on the bike tell him to go back and get the black pouch, so he go back to the man and they start arguing,” the eyewitness said.During the argument, Persaud had to empty his pouch to convince the bandit that there was nothing else of value to him inside.“I had to empty the pouch; all my documents were scattered on the ground and then he left after he see that I had no other cash,” Persaud said.Throughout the ordeal which lasted for about three minutes, no one came to Persaud’s rescue; not even the GT&T security guard.The police were eventually summoned and they will have to rely on fingerprints lifted from Persaud’s car to try and identify the perpetrators, since surveillance camera footage from the area may not be adequate.

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