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[PS3] Brad Richards Red Wings Jersey Bharrat Jagdeo









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發表於 2017-6-23 02:42:29 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The three reporters who resigned from Guyana Times/TVG after refusing to read a scandalous television news item about Kaieteur News Publisher, Glenn Lall, yesterday made clear that their resignation was not as a result of fearing Lall’s retaliation, as is being peddled by the state media and those closely aligned to the ruling party.The reporters, Leana Bradshaw,Cheap Sports Jerseys, Sabatini Daniels and Whitney Persaud,NBA Authentic Jerseys, told this newspaper that their fears were directed to prejudicial members of the public. “While we did express concern about safety, security, and tarnishing of character as young journalists, we did not try to link this in any way to the fear of Glenn Lall, as an individual nor did we resign because press freedom is under attack,” the trio said.“We are not cursing the bridge we crossed but rather standing firm for what we believe. This is our final comment as a trio on the issue,” they concluded.Kaieteur News Publisher Glenn Lall said that he is not surprised by the spin that the Ramroop Group put on the issue. Both the Guyana Times/TVG and the state-owned Guyana Chronicle tried to link the resignations to fear of Lall’s retaliation and to an attack on press freedom.The three journalists had earlier explained that Bradshaw, after being instructed to read articles about Glenn Lall, respectfully declined.However, she was told by the Guyana Times General Manager, Daniel Singh, during the aforementioned meeting, that once reporters are employed by the entity, they must follow the instructions given.Managing Director of Kaieteur News – Glenn LallAfter providing her seniors with the reasons for not wanting to read the news item, Bradshaw was told that journalists who refuse to do what they are told can “pack their traps and leave”.Without hesitation, Bradshaw formally resigned, as did her colleagues – Daniels and Persaud, who believed that Bradshaw was right in standing her ground.Bradshaw, during the meeting,Brad Richards Red Wings Jersey, was also told that if religion is the reason behind her not wanting to read certain stories, then she can “go to her pastor” for employment.The trio has also refuted reports carried by sections of the media that Bradshaw, in fear of retaliation from the Kaieteur News boss, expressed her willingness to voice the script once her face was not shown on television.“She did not say that,” one of her colleagues stressed.The young reporters said that their resignations were part of their fight to uphold the journalistic principles and ethics that they’ve learnt over the years in the media and through the University of Guyana’s Centre for Communications Studies.They believe that “while those who write such articles are not in the spotlight or given credit for their writing, the anchor and reporters are forced to put their voices and images to the content of the stories they believe go against their professional values and credibility.”The Kaieteur News Publisher had said that the resignations stems from his newspaper’s exposure of the shady deals involving former President, Bharrat Jagdeo, and his best friend Dr. Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’ Ramproop, who both own Guyana Times/TVG/Radio Guyana.“The exposé that we have been carrying has them running scared; to date they have not responded to any of the shady deals that we have exposed,Throwback Jerseys, that robbed and continue to rob this nation of billions of dollars. Instead, they have resorted to personal and unfounded attacks to the extent that they are libeling me on a daily basis,Artemi Panarin Jersey,” Lall said.“They have moved from libeling to labeling me a murderous monster,” he added.Lall believes that the aim of the Jagdeo/Ramroop group is to have harm done to him and his staff at the Kaieteur News.“The whole country would remember that as sitting President, Jagdeo tried to endanger my life by falsely claiming that I was snitching on other businessmen,” Lall declared.According to Lall, it is very clear that the attacks on his person are designed to divert the attention of the Guyanese people from the siphoning off of billions of dollars into the pockets of a few.“We will remain focused on our God-given duty, which is to bring the truth to the people of Guyana. We will not stop,China Jerseys Cheap, as there are more exposures to come… starting from this weekend,” the Kaieteur News Publisher said.

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