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發表於 2017-6-23 10:49:13 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Police are tracking a sophisticated criminal gang that has been fleecing local businesses out of millions of dollars using bogus Manager’s Cheques from the various banking institutions.Within the past month the gang has carted off in excess of $12M in items after convincing unsuspecting businesses that the cheques were genuine.They have already carted off six complete dredges and several pieces of electronic appliances, including computers from reputable companies.Two of the bogus manager’s chequesFrom all indications, the gang is made up of locals and foreigners,Cheap Jerseys From China, judging from the accents of some of the callers who make the orders for the items.One businessman told this newspaper that he was hit for $7M by the gang who cleverly used the Easter weekend to perpetrate the scheme.“These people are so smooth and convincing,” the businessman who operates a manufacturing business told this newspaper.He recounted that last week Tuesday he received a telephone call from a male with a Dutch-sounding accent who enquired about some dredges he had for sale.He subsequently made arrangements to have the items available for inspection by the person who had expressed interest in them.According to the businessman, he did not have the slightest inclination that the whole scheme was a fraud,Cheap Jerseys From China, since the caller who said he was representing the ‘Aranka Mining Company’, kept contacting him on his telephone, all the while building up trust.“The man told me that he operated a store in the interior and will be doing much more business with us in the future,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping,” the businessman stated.The caller agreed that he would pay for the items with a Manager’s Cheque,Authentic Jerseys Sale, which was agreed to by the businessman.On Holy Thursday, (the day before Good Friday) members of the gang turned up to uplift the dredges and handed over the Manager’s Cheque worth millions of dollars to be drawn against Citizens Bank.Of course, it was after 16:00 hours when the possibility of encashing the cheque was non-existent and the businessman was forced to deposit it into his bank account at another city bank.Since it was the long Easter weekend,NFL Jerseys Supply, the businessman had to wait until the following Tuesday to find out that the cheque was no good, not that he had suspected anything.Of course all efforts to contact the persons who had paid him the cheque and collected his items were futile since all calls to their telephones are not being unanswered.The matter was reported to the police and the businessman subsequently learnt that the gang had used the same scheme to hit about 10 other businesses.In one case the wife of an East Bank Demerara businessman was actually detained by the police when she went to a city bank to cash one of the cheques that was paid to her for items that she had supplied to the confidence tricksters.Kaieteur News understands that earlier last week another business that deals in electronics narrowly avoided being scammed $2M by the same gang.A member of the gang had approached the business with an order for 12 (42-inch) television sets, bed sheets and other furnishings, claiming that they were opening a hotel in Eccles, East Bank Demerara.But the business owner became suspicious and did some checking around and found out that there was no proposed hotel in Eccles.He nevertheless agreed to supply the items and accepted a Manager’s Cheque drawn on the Bank of Nova Scotia.But when the buyer turned up to uplift the items,Cheap Sports Jerseys, he appeared to have sensed that all was not well with the plan and he began acting strangely, even as employees were gathering up the items.He fled the business place when he was asked to come into the office to sign up some documents. He was aware that his image would have been captured on the closed circuit television.In another case a West Coast Demerara businessman was lucky to recover an outboard engine that he was conned by persons using the same modus operandi.So far there has been no report of arrests.Yesterday,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, the businessman who spoke to Kaieteur News said that he has decided to go public with his plight so that others can be alerted and not be caught in what appears to be a well organized scheme.

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