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發表於 2017-6-23 14:51:35 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Sharmain CornetteAlthough operational challenges abound at the Caribbean Heart Institute (CHI), there will be no limitations to the surgical services offered there, according to Head of the Institute,Cheap Jerseys From China, Dr Gary Stephens.The Heart Institute was commissioned at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) in 2006 and has since been facilitating cardiac operations to ailing members of the public, thus reducing to some extent the amount of persons seeking overseas medical attention in this regard.But while it was anticipated that there would have been challenges to maintain such a crucial process, Dr Stephens noted that in retrospect some are in fact far worse than was initially expected.“The challenges are many at CHI; some were not anticipated, some I knew about but some have been worse than I thought they would be. But we are here to stay. I know that we will overcome the challenges because we are already doing a good job at that,” the doctor related.Dr Stephens,NFL Jerseys China, who is a Guyanese by birth but practises and resides in the United States, has been returning to Guyana every three months to perform surgical interventions with the assistance of his team, which is made up mainly of overseas-based medical professionals.Power OutagesAccording to Dr Stephens, the issue of power outages during operations has been one of the major concerns that have been gaining his attention ever since he commenced cardiac operations here.He said that CHI has been forced to invest substantial amounts of money to procure equipment to address the problem.He explained that if the supply of electricity to the heart/lung pump which keeps patients alive during operations is affected,Jerseys From China, it could very well result in the death of that patient.“We have had so many experiences with that, that now we have invested money in equipment to help stabilise our operating room.“It is not a matter of switching over to a generator; the power to the heart/lung pump just cannot stop. You can’t wait for a switch over…By the time somebody runs there to fire up a generator and whatever else has to be done a patient could die.“People could die in two or three minutes if there is no blood flow to their brain,” Dr Stephens noted.With the procurement of the equipment, the supply of electricity to the CHI operating theatre remains undisturbed even if there is a power outage. “When the power goes off it will still continue to run the entire operating room for an hour. The lights do not even blink; our equipment just keeps the pump and everything going while we figure out what we need to do.”Cost of operationsThe need to invest on a regular basis to ensure that the service offered at CHI is of an optimal quality has resulted in the constant review of the costs of operations,Dwight Howard Hawks Jersey, Dr Stephens divulged.“It is very tough on us when we have to fix a cost and then we have to keep investing every time something comes up. We have to try and beat all the problems by investing more and more.”He recounted that the cost of operations was revised last year when the price of fuel had skyrocketed. According to him, the cost of shipping had increased and the price for some medical items such as catheters that are petroleum based had been augmented as well.“When the price goes up somebody has to pay and so when we increase our cost people want to know what is happening. We can’t go to Laparkan and tell them to ship our stuff for free. I don’t want to do that. They have a business to run and I should be able to pay them for the service they provide.”However, Dr Stephens did note that Government has been instrumental in easing the burden of the increased cost of operation by allowing CHI to import its equipment duty free.He said that CHI came into being following negotiations and an understanding with Government whereby health care will be made available to the local public at a reduced cost if certain things were made readily available.Use of facilityCurrently there is a waiting list of about more than 30 persons in need of cardiac operations but according to Dr Stephens’s observation there appears to be some lack of confidence in the Institute.“There is something in our society; it is almost like people don’t have confidence in what we do…I look at myself and I think I work in the United States and I think I went to some decent schools and when I give an opinion I don’t care where you are; in my line of work if I tell you ‘you are not a candidate for surgery’ I believe that the majority of centres that you go to will tell you the same thing.”However, the cardiac surgeon opined that there are a number of instances that even after receiving an opinion from the CHI some local persons would still opt to travel to Trinidad and Barbados or even further afield, and even to medical persons who are less trained,Cheap Sports Jerseys, to be told they are not a candidate for surgery. “That is frustration of itself…It drives me nuts.”Dr Stephens noted that even after three years of operating in Guyana he finds it strange that many persons are still oblivious of CHI’s existence.According to him, he has been informed on a number of occasions that persons have had heart attacks and died because their families were not aware of the capabilities of the CHI.“I am not sure why people don’t know about us, probably because we don’t advertise but we had purposely chosen not to advertise because we don’t think the system can handle that. We always thought that the people who really need us would find us but that hasn’t always been the case; some people who don’t even really need us they find us.”ReferralsAccording to Dr Stephens, he has been made to understand that for some reason or the other there are a number of persons who are unstable after having heart attacks in area hospitals, although the CHI could deal with such problems.“We have the ability here to stabilise them. We are the only institution with a Heart/Lung Machine, the only Intra-aortic Balloon pump that we can use to stabilise people yet still persons are sent to private hospitals. I don’t like to question people’s motive…but I don’t know why patients end up in these institutions and some of them die.”Dr Stephens said that since heart disease is such a huge problem in the society there is need for direct government intervention in the interest of patients.He pointed out that Government has to be able to have officers dispatched to various hospitals on a regular basis to check the quality and standard of care since, according to him,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, “every hospital is not really a hospital.”“We get echocardiogram reports from patients here that are just ridiculous and they (some hospitals) are charging people so much money. I feel bad because when I see these reports I have to tell them (patients) they have to do it over. Government has to have oversight; they have to go into these hospitals and say this is the standard and if you can’t produce an echocardiogram report with certain qualities then you can’t do it and if you do it you will be sanctioned.”Dr Stephens’s concerns come at a time when Health Minister,Wholesale China Jerseys, Dr Leslie Ramsammy has upped the ante against laboratories and hospitals that do not operate in accordance with certain standards and regulations.This month end has been marked as the deadline for local laboratories to comply with the Health Facilities Licensing Act, which is based on the GYS170 standard that will govern the conditions under laboratories should operate.“I want to say unequivocally that we will not be tolerating any of those laboratories that have not started the process of being licensed under GYS170.That is the law and when it comes to the law I am not merely strongly advocating, it is the legal requirement…,” said Minister Ramsammy recently.The Minister warned that if the owners and operators of laboratories fail to comply and have not at least started the process to ensure that their operation is in compliance with that required by the Standard, they must also prepare to close their doors.

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