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Brad Richards Red Wings Jersey party and politics.It will also cut out nuff









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發表於 2017-6-23 23:51:12 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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When dem boys did tell de nation that Jagdeo is a scamp and he mek nuff people in Guyana tun crooks, people use to think is joke. Nuff use to shake dem head and seh is true but some use to cuss dem boys while others tell dem boys that dem like exaggerate.Dem boys remember de IFMAS programme that mek dem spend hundreds of millions of dollars to avoid counting wid dem hand and lead pencil. Dem deliberately lef out de part fuh record de spending. Everybody know why.That same scamp Jagdeo train Irfaat in de Ministry of Finance and then mek him a Minister. He send him to Housing wheh billions of dollars use to pass through he hands.Despite wukking at the Ministry of Finance and knowing all de financial programmes and accounting systems, no one would believe that de same Irfaat record de Ministry finances wid lead pencil and paper.Dem boys don’t have to explain that but dem know that if Soulja Bai don’t tek action against these people,Deion Jones Falcons Jersey, and charge nuff of dem,Throwback Jerseys, come next week dem boys gun lef dem wuk and go way.Dem going away because dem ain’t able wid de skullduggery here, there and everywhere.  Dem boys bruck de story bout fuel and before de ink dry pun de paper  dem trawlers was seen crawling out de Demerara River.Dem boys also hear, yesterday, some of de fuel smugglers was sprinting through de airport. But dem boys want to suggest a new method to Soulja Bai how to deal wid terrorists, scamps and smugglers when dem running out de airport.Dem boys deh half way through developing this new device to be planted at Ogle and CJIA.De device cut out privacy concerns. It is a booth you step into. It would not X-ray yuh,NFL Jerseys China Online, but will blow you up if you got any crooked thoughts,Fernando Rodney Jersey, thiefing money/gold and explosive.This is a win-win situation fuh everybody. It will stop the nonsense people talking about race,Kyle Korver Hawks Jersey, party and politics.It will also cut out nuff, nuff time and big, big money people does spend fuh trials. Suh if you in de airport terminal and you hear a boom. Shortly after, you gun hear an announcement:             “Attention to all standby passengers, de plane got an extra seat.”Isn’t that brilliant,NFL Jerseys Cheap, Soulja Bai?Talk half and encourage Soulja Bai to put this system in place.

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