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[健身] Cheap NFL Jerseys China he didn’t say anything









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發表於 2017-6-24 07:55:09 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– family suspicious of Nigerian husbandLucinda Solomon-Lee (left) and her Nigerian husband (right) with friends in India.An East Ruimveldt mother is now seeking answers after she learnt that her eldest daughter died of unknown circumstances on Friday, thousands of miles away in India.According Morlyn Scipio,Cheap Jerseys From China, her daughter,Cheap Jerseys From China, 37 year-old Lucinda Solomon-Lee, who resided at Lot 591 East Ruimveldt and migrated to India in December 2009, reportedly died in a hospital in India.Scipio said the family received news of Solomon-Lee’s death yesterday when her husband contacted them by telephone informing that she died “three days ago”.Scipio added that her daughter never revealed to her why she travelled to the Asian country or what she did to make a living there.The woman said that her daughter got married last year to a Nigerian national who resided with her in India.Solomon-Lee’s relatives were completely in the dark since they never formally met the man or knew his name.“One of her friends who been to India with her brought some pictures with her and him and that is how we get to see him. We didn’t even get to see wedding pictures,” one relative said.They were puzzled as to why the woman’s husband took three days to call them and give them the tragic news or why he only contacted the sister and not the mother, since he had all their telephone numbers.“When we asked him how she died, he didn’t say anything, so now we left in the dark as to what happen. We want her body to come home because she from here. We don’t know if they done bury she over there,” Scipio said.The still visibly shaken mother related to Kaieteur News that she last spoke to her daughter on January 1, 2013 which was also her birthday. Scipio told this publication that her daughter sounded “joyful” and “at peace”.But when she asked her when she would return home Solomon-Lee remained silent.However, Scipio revealed that about three weeks ago her Nigerian son-in-law contacted Solomon-Lee’s father who resides in St Maarten and requested that he send US$5000 to him in India. The man did not say what the money was for.“He called the man and tell him, ‘you are a pastor,Alex Delvecchio Red Wings Jersey, you got the money’ but up to now he can’t explain to the man what he needed the money for,David Njoku Jersey,” Scipio said.She added that after her daughter’s father refused to transfer the money without a valid reason, the Nigerian then began to use a number of expletives and hung up the phone.The family said that they have since been receiving conflicting information about the woman’s death one of which suggested that she was murdered by her Nigerian husband.Since the news of her death, the Nigerian has not yet explained how she died or made contact with them about funeral arrangements.Despite the news,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, Scipio is still optimistic that somehow her daughter might still be alive.“I don’t believe she died but if it is true I want to know how she died because I am confused about this issue.”The family is now pleading with anyone who would have any information about Solomon-Lee to contact them on 225-4566,Wholesale China Jerseys, 694-3729 and 662-5791.Lucinda Solomon-Lee last worked as a Nursing Supervisor at the Palms on Brickdam before leaving Guyana.

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