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[健身] China Jerseys Cheap v0x2crbg









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發表於 2017-6-24 08:08:28 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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…reportedly forced to ingest poisonA Christianburg, Wismar,NFL Jerseys Cheap, Linden man succumbed at the Linden Hospital complex,Wholesale Cheap Jerseys, yesterday,Wholesale Jerseys, after he was rushed there bleeding profusely from the head.John Gonsalves,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, 34, of Alstrom Alley, Christianburg, Wismar. Linden was discovered early yesterday morning by a neighbour who had been alerted by another neighbour that John was groaning in his apartment.“So I went over to check, and when I saw him I started to scream because he was lying on his bed drenched in blood.“I was in so much shock; I kept asking myself who would want to kill John, because he never troubled anybody. I’ve lived here all these years and I’ve never known him to cause any trouble.Gonsalves was rushed to the Linden Hospital complex,China Jerseys Cheap, where he succumbed while being prepared for a transfer to the Georgetown Public Hospital.According to an unidentified source,Adrian Wilson Cardinals Jersey, it is suspected that Gonsalves was forced to ingest poison and was later bludgeoned with a heavy object.A medical source claimed that Gonsalves exhibited symptoms that indicated he would have ingested a poisonous substance.A few persons related that the man would often give neighbours stale tennis rolls to feed their fowls. They pointed out that a few days ago, the rolls were found to be laced with rat poison. When John was informed, he said that was why he wasn’t eating the rolls because somebody was trying to poison him.“One day when I showed him the rat poison in the roll he said that I should just soak it and give the fowls.”Other reports indicate that Gonzales was a frequent target of petty criminals who often broke into his apartment and stole money and other articles.Gonsalves lived in the bottom flat of a relative’s house in Christianburg. He was a former employee of the local bauxite industry. He was unmarried and lived alone.Gonsalves’s death comes on the heels of several incidents of break and enter and larceny in the community. Residents are calling for police to patrol the area on a regular basis.

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