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[健身] Jerseys From China o435atth









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發表於 2017-6-24 08:18:11 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The mother of a 19-year-old woman from the mining town of Linden is urging the police to intensify their search for her daughter who she is convinced is being held against her will.The teenager, Jamella Debideen, was last seen on Friday morning when she left her 251 South Amelia’s Ward, Linden home to attend the Mackenzie Hospital.Missing: Jamella Debideen Since then, the only contact her mother and other relatives have had with her is by way of cellular phone during which she has managed to convey that she is being held in a large house at an unknown location with another female from Linden, who was also reported missing.Golin Debideen, the missing woman’s mother, told Kaieteur News that her daughter, whom she described as ‘sickly’, was experiencing back pains and left home to seek medical attention at the Mackenzie Hospital. She did not return home.She could not say if her daughter had indeed visited the hospital.According to Debideen, a male friend of her daughter visited her home later Friday afternoon and enquired about the teen and it was only then that she began to suspect that her daughter was missing.“The boyfriend said that he and she walked out together and she told him that she was going to the clinic on the Highway and she jump in a bus. He said he saw her jump in a blue bus and he don’t know if is a town bus or a Linden bus,” Debideen recounted.She said that for all of Friday night she tried to contact her daughter on her cellular but was unsuccessful. She even called her daughter’s friends but got no positive answers on her whereabouts.The following morning Debideen reported her daughter missing to the Mackenzie Police Station but was not too satisfied with the response she got.According to Debideen, she had suspicions about her daughter’s boyfriend but the police refused to pay attention to her hunch.“All they keep telling me is that she go away with some man,” Debideen explained.On Saturday afternoon Debideen received a chilling message on her cellular phone from another phone, number 665-4231.The message read: “She is with me on an island. Want her, come for her…”Debideen said that her missing daughter’s boyfriend also received a text message from the same telephone number, which read: “Bring money and come for her.”Efforts to contact the sender of the messages proved futile.On Sunday, Debideen received another text message and this time it appeared to have come from her daughter, saying, “Help me!” which originated from the same number.That same day she received a call from the said telephone number and upon picking it up, she heard her daughter screaming.She believes that her daughter was desperately trying to get through to her but was being prevented by persons who are allegedly holding her against her will.“While she screaming, the phone cut off. It was her voice. Then I called back and when the phone was answered I called her name and she answered. But then she again started screaming, and it cut off again like if somebody didn’t want her to answer,” Debideen said.The woman told Kaieteur News that she reported what transpired to the police.Debideen used a friend to contact the number and according to her,Jerseys From China, the missing teen conveyed that she was being held hostage and that she did not run away from home.“She told him that she was in a big house and around the house was red road. She was directing him to an area like Kingston where the boat for the northwest docks. She know that area so we picture is in Kingston because that is where she would normally go to get the boat to the Northwest,” the missing woman’s mother said.This was conveyed to the police who made efforts to go and rescue the teen.However, when contacted by a police rank, the teen disclosed that her mother’s friend was coming to pick her up and the police had no other alternative but to shelve the arrangement.It is felt that the teen was untrustworthy of the police since she felt that the caller might have been associated with her alleged abductors.But strangely though, the family had been able to make constant contact with the teen despite her claims that she is being held hostage.Another contact was made late Sunday but she informed that whoever was holding her hostage was around and she could not say much.She however was able to convey that she was being held with another girl whom she named but said that she did not know the males who were holding her against her will.Since Sunday evening Debideen was unable to make further contact with her daughter.The woman said that she has since printed a number of flyers, which she distributed both in Linden and in Georgetown with the hope that anyone who knows her daughter’s whereabouts would contact her on telephone numbers 667-8780 and 616-4382.

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