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[健身] Cheap Jerseys From China Stephen Bailey









Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 2017-6-24 08:29:02 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Even as the City Constabulary’s women’s arm is getting ready to mark its anniversary a male rank who tried to become too close to one of his colleagues inappropriately has landed himself in a fix.The male rank aged in his late 30’s was arrested yesterday on allegations of sexual misconduct committed against a female rank. He faces possible dismissal as well as criminal charges.Nikhail Khansanally was ordered arrested and was turned over to the Police pending investigations.Kaieteur News understands that on Friday November 20 while working the ‘11-7 shift’ with a female rank,NFL Jerseys Cheap, he approached her with an offer of oral sex.The woman who is relatively new to the profession allegedly resisted the advances but he did not take no for an answer.Sources close to the investigation revealed that the man who apparently has a fetish for such acts continued to pursue his female colleague in a menacing way for the remainder of the shift.The matter was reported to the City Constabulary senior officers who launched their own investigations and found the allegations to be true after a confrontation was held. During the confrontation,NFL Jerseys From China, the man confessed to the allegations but had a different story to tell.Yesterday the matter was reported to the police and the man who has been in the Department for several years was arrested pending investigations. The file will be sent to the Director of Public Prosecution for advice.Officially once such allegations are proven true it results in summary dismissal and criminal charges are laid.A Senior City Constable said this is not the first time that the suspect has made advances to female ranks with the proposal to perform oral sex on them. Several other ranks that refused his advances have also made allegations and are expected to come forward shortly.Investigations revealed that all the women are aged 18 to 22.When contacted about the report,China Jerseys Cheap, Stephen Bailey,Marlon Humphrey Jersey, acting Chief Constable,Fernando Rodney Jersey, said that he could not comment on the issue except to state that a rank is indeed in custody.One female city constable speaking about the issue said this is just the tip of the iceberg for the department where older male City constables prey on the young women in the unit.She said,Kyle Korver Hawks Jersey, “This thing got to stop because dem men in constab always taking advantage of the girls. There is a big difference between having a relationship and being bothered and forced into sex acts. Whole night he was fatiguing the woman.”There have been many situations like this but it is the first time that one person was bold enough to expose the issue.

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