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[游泳] Artemi Panarin Jersey they were heading towards Vreed-en-Hoop









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發表於 2017-6-24 16:36:30 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Driver of the route 32 minibus, which was involved in the Sunday evening accident at Schoonard, West Bank Demerara, which claimed the life of 18-year-old Tenisha Hudson,Cheap Sports Jerseys, is refuting reports of how the accident occurred.Seventy-one-year Bernard Bradford,Brad Richards Red Wings Jersey, who hails from Zeelugt, West Coast Demerara, said that contrary to reports published in the media, the accident was caused when Hudson leaped from a bicycle on which she was being towed by a male.According to a police press release issued on Sunday, the minibus driver was attempting to pass another vehicle when he struck Hudson who was cycling in the same direction. The release added that the young woman was taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) where she succumbed to her injuries.But according to Bradford who claims that he was the one to report the matter at the Vreed-en-Hoop Police Station, the circumstances which led to the accident could not be any more distorted and inaccurate than they were related by the police statement.The man said that at the time of the accident the only persons at the scene were himself, his conductress and the rider of the bicycle whom he regarded as the only persons who could give an accurate account of what occurred.He said that he was heading to the city and was in the vicinity of Schoonard when he observed a male towing a young woman.The two, he said, were on the eastern corner of the road, the same as the minibus. However,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, they were heading towards Vreed-en-Hoop,Artemi Panarin Jersey, placing them on the wrong side of the road.“The bicycle was swaying. It was either the male was drunk or he was losing control of the bicycle…,” Bradford relayed.He said that it was just as he approached the area where the two road users were that Hudson leaped from the bicycle,Cheap Jerseys Free, probably anticipating a fall, and came into contact with the left rear view mirror of the minibus before crashing to the ground.The impact of the hit caused the rear view mirror to swing violently into the windscreen, cracking it,NFL Jerseys Cheap, Bradford said.Bradford said that he immediately brought the minibus to a halt and attempted to render assistance, along with his conductress who was able to successfully hail a passing car, which transported the injured Hudson to the West Demerara Regional Hospital.“Nothing happened to the young man or the bicycle because it was not like the bus  hit the bicycle or anything. Everything just happened when she jumped off and hit the mirror.”According to the man, he decided to make a U-turn and headed to the Vreed-en-Hoop Police Station in the company of his conductress to make a report, adding that the young man left the scene riding the bicycle.After making the report, Bradford said, the conductress visited the hospital to enquire of the Hudson’s wellbeing but was informed that she was transferred to the GPHC. They were later informed that Hudson, a resident of Pouderoyen, West Bank Demerara, had died. Hospital sources said that she sustained massive head injuries.Bradford as a result was charged with dangerous driving and has since been released on bail. He is expected to attend a hearing at the Wales Magistrate’s Court on April 27.

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