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發表於 2017-6-24 18:03:33 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Two years ago when his sister topped the National Grade Six Assessment exams, Ramesh Sachin Ghir aimed for the same. The two children both attended Mae’s.Angel MunilallHis dream came through yesterday when it was announced that he, along with Industry,NFL Jerseys China Cheap, East Coast Demerara boy,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys Outlet, Michael Bhopaul, were tied for the top spot in this year’s exams.With a total of 547 marks each, they are both on their way to Queen’s College, the nation’s top secondary school. The two are both 11-years-old.Sachin attended Mae’s Primary School in Georgetown, while Michael attended the Graham’s Hall Primary School, East Coast Demerara. Both Sachin and Michael were ecstatic with news of their results.Sachin’s father, Ramesh Ghir, is the Chief Executive Officer of the Cheddi Jagan International Airport.  Sachin says that he has taken a liking to his father’s job and sees himself doing something similar.He knew he wanted to equal his sister’s achievement of two years ago, but Sachin was worried that he had slipped up some English questions. His favourite subject is Mathematics, so he was at least confident about that.Michael, on the other hand, likes science above all subjects. Given that, he aims to become a doctor. His father is a teacher at the Christ Church Secondary in Georgetown. Both his mother and father helped him when he had difficulties.During exam preparations, he had to cut down on playing video and computer games. His favourite video game is Blade 2. He also enjoyed watching TV, especially the Suite Life on Deck that shows on Channel 13.Sachin, on the other hand, enjoys playing a good game of cricket with his father, and reading any good mystery book.Education Minister, Priya Manickchand yesterday announced the names of the students that attained the top 10 highest marks at this year’s National Grade Six Assessment, in the National Assembly.Roshawn CummingsThe results of the examinations which were written on April 4 and April 5 will be officially released to schools today. According to the Government Information Agency (GINA) the 17,138 candidates who wrote this examination also sat the National Grade Two Assessment in 2008 and the National Grade Four Assessment in 2010.The top 10 marks were shared by 32 students with the highest possible total score obtainable at 563.Rawletta Barrow of Success Elementary copped the third spot with 546 marks, fourth position went to Angel Munilall of Success Elementary and Telesha Sukraj from Mae’s Under 12 with 543.Ashandai Liverpool of Tucville Primary and Roshawn Cummings of Success Elementary copped the sixth position with 542 marks; while the eighth position was shared by Isaiah Carter, Ria Khan and Anthony Singh of Success Elementary, and Surendra Gocool of Kawall Primary, with 541 marks each.Twelfth position was shared by Rihanna Khan of Success Elementary, Farah Chin of Marian Academy, and Alyssa Nurse of Mae’s Under 12 with 540 marks each.Sarah Garrido of Green Acres Primary and Nerisha Maraj and Leonardo Gobin of Dharmic Rama Krishna Primary copped the thirteenth position; while Onisha Adams of Green Acres Primary, Joshua Mortley and Ruel Sookdeo of Success Elementary,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, and Latonya Darrel of New Guyana School gained 538 marks in the fourteenth position.The fifteenth position in the country was obtained by ten students; Sydney Frazer of New Guyana School,Cheap NFL Jerseys, Jeevan Dalip and Alyssa Baksh of Mae’s Under 12, Sherry Frank of School of the Nations, Brandon Samaroo and Simantra Scott of Success Elementary,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, Anupa Ramdehol of Zeelugt Primary, Atika Roshandin of Academy of Excellence,Authentic NFL Jerseys Wholesale, Kimberly Prashad of Taymouth Manor Primary, and Jelina Arjoon of Green Acres Primary with 537 marks each.Rawletta BarrowSeven students copped the sixteenth position namely Fidel Da Silva of Green Acres Primary, Michael Persaud of ABC Academy,Cheap Jerseys Online, Keiron Smith and Adiya Gomes of Success Elementary, Ricardo Singh of Providence Primary, and Jonette Casey and Vishaul Jack of Mae’s Under 12.

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