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Andre Branch Dolphins Jersey sardine and dishwashing liquid









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發表於 2017-6-24 20:43:20 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– had fleeced several businessesThe rope came to an abrupt end for a con woman yesterday morning after she was captured at her Canje,NFL Jerseys Cheap, Berbice home.The woman has reportedly fleeced several businesses in the city.Her reputed husband, who claimed not to know of her activities, was also detained.Police say they recovered several items which they suspect was obtained during the woman’s con reign.She last hit a Robb Street store last week Monday and according to reports was planning another big hit when her luck ran out.According to a source, based on a story on the woman which was carried by this newspaper, police in the Ancient County went into action.After seeing the woman’s photograph in the Kaieteur News, police managed to acquire her address and after staking out the place for while, decided to move in.The source said that the woman’s house has a newly renovated section which suggests that she was probably in the process of opening a small grocery shop.Using a now familiar modus operandi, the woman had disappeared into thin air after ripping off a Robb Street goods store last Monday.According to a relative of the victim,Cheap Jerseys Free, at around 16:00hrs on Monday, the woman came into the Robb Street store.“She started to check out what we selling and had we calculating prices.”The businessman said that he was not suspicious at the time.The woman ordered a number of items,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, including milk, sardine and dishwashing liquid,Andre Branch Dolphins Jersey, all of which came to over $47,000.“She tell me that she and her husband own a stall in Bourda market. Then she tell me that she ain’t have all the money and if we can send one of our employees with her to Bourda to collect the rest of the money.”The woman paid over $7,NFL Jerseys China Online,000 and the goods were loaded into a taxi which soon left.According to the employee, they were in Regent Street when the woman started to talk on her cell phone.“I didn’t hear the phone ring but she tell somebody that it was on vibrate and she ask the person if they carry the money to Robb Street. She then tell me that her husband and son had dropped the money to the store.”The employee said that not suspecting anything, he decided to abandon his task and the woman even offered him $60 to catch a bus back to his work place.It was only when he returned that it was learnt that nobody had visited the place to pay the outstanding $40,000.By that time, the woman had already disappeared.This image which was captured on surveillance camera led to the con woman’s capture. Later that evening,Deion Jones Falcons Jersey, the businessman disclosed that they managed to locate the taxi-driver who said that he dropped the woman by Camp Street where the goods were discharged by two men into a waiting car.A report was made to the Alberttown Police Station.According to the man, he had made contact with Yogindra Persaud, owner of D. Boodhan and Daughter General Store, who had suffered a similar fate a few weeks ago. There he identified the woman from video recordings that were taken from security cameras.Since the news broke, a number of other business persons have come forward to claim that the same woman fleeced them. At least four stallholders in the La Penitence Market made similar claims.According to police in Berbice, while the woman has remained silent, her husband revealed that she would normally go to the city and “buy groceries”. He claimed that he did not know that his wife was involved in anything illegal.However, when shown the image of the con woman in the newspaper report, he was convinced that it was indeed his wife who was the perpetrator.The couple was escorted to the Fort Wellington Police Station, where they were handed over to police from the city and subsequently escorted to Georgetown where they are expected to face charges.

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