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Marlon Humphrey Jersey to see how you operate and how we operate









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發表於 2017-6-25 02:21:06 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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…will lend assistance to local Coast Guard After leaving the United Kingdom in early January, providing security and assurance to the six British overseas territories, the HMS Mersey is currently in Guyana to render assistance to local Coast Guard officials. The vessel,NFL Jerseys Cheap China, which predominantly engages in the fight against the trafficking of narcotics and other illicit trades, is currently docked at the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) Coast Guard Headquarters in Ruimveldt.The vessel and its crew will be in Guyana for four days during which they would provide training and assistance in reviving Guyana’s Coast Guard Flagship,Fernando Rodney Jersey, the GDFS Essequibo.The GDFS Essequibo,Brad Richards Red Wings Jersey, formerly a British minesweeper,China Jerseys Cheap, HMS Orwell, was purchased in 2001 and possesses some similarities to the visiting vessel.“I would also be sending across some engineers to your Coast Guard vessel to assist in some engineering training and, if possible, see if we get your Coast Guard vessel running and working to exercise with us on Friday,” said HMS Mersey’s  Commanding Officer, Lt. Commander Richard Hewitt.On leaving Guyana Friday,Kyle Korver Hawks Jersey, Hewitt said the HMS Mersey will engage in a coastal patrol exercise with the GDF Coast Guard in an aim to exchange information and ideas.“Hopefully (with the) two vessels manoeuvring in close proximity, (we will be able) to see how you operate and how we operate,” he said.Commander Hewitt continued that with Guyana’s plans to buy additional Coast Guard vessels to operate much closer to the shoreline, his team would be more than happy to share its experiences and show how they “do that in the Royal Navy”.Before arriving in Guyana, Commander Hewitt related that the vessel has been working alongside the United Kingdom’s partners in the Caribbean in conducting counter-narcotics patrols.These collaborations, he said, will continue upon leaving Guyana for several United Kingdom Overseas Territories, ahead of the 2016 Hurricane Season.“We have had some successes with regards to some vessels we have seen. We have assisted our partner nations in those successes…And more of that to follow. (With the) HMS Mersey being in the area itself,Andre Branch Dolphins Jersey, it also acts as deterrent. In the three months we have been in the Caribbean we have stopped further flows by just being in the area itself,” he said.When asked by a Media Operative if they were able to intercept drugs on their way to Guyana, Lt. Hewitt stated that Guyana is part of a wide area that remains vulnerable to drug trafficking, and so the focus is on using vital information to stem the flow of narcotics.“We take our time, we feed off intelligence and, where we can, work with our partner nations to assist and if they ask for assistance we offer where we can,” he said.

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