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[田徑] Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping Dr. Leslie Ramsammy









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發表於 2017-6-25 05:59:15 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Minister of Health, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy, has stated that at no time did he seek the services of an overseas doctor during his recent visit to the United States.In a statement issued to the media yesterday,Throwback Jerseys, Minister Ramsammy responded to Chairman of the Alliance For Change (AFC), Khemraj Ramjattan,Artemi Panarin Jersey, who criticised the Health Minister for seeking medical attention overseas, although “he boasts about the many achievements in the local health sector and lauds the many services offered by the Georgetown Public Hospital and the Caribbean Heart Institute.”According to Minister Ramsammy, he has access to local doctors and he consults with them at the GPHC periodically.“I also worked at a hospital in New York for many years before I came back to Guyana and I often check with my friends whenever I have an opportunity to do so.”Dr. Ramsammy admitted that indeed he was not feeling well over the last several months, and when he checked with his doctors at the GPHC, they insisted that he cut down the number of hours he works.“Yet over the last weekend (July 4 and July 5) I was quite ill,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, but together with my technical officers we were also following up on the first two suspected cases of H1N1 in Guyana. My doctors and colleagues insisted that I needed to take a break.“I decided it was time for me to accept the recommendation of my local doctors and I decided to take a working holiday abroad. I traveled to spend time with my family and at the same time to have some important meetings relating to chronic diseases. I did not seek the services of any doctor or hospital overseas. I left Guyana on Monday and returned on Friday morning.”He explained that at no time did he confirm with members of the media who contacted him while he was away that he was undergoing medical attention.“For those who might be genuinely interested, the fact is I am still not feeling well, but there is work to be done. In continuing to work overtime when I should be resting, I am not responding to the pettiness of Mr. Freddie Kissoon and Mr. Ramjattan. I am doing what I have always done, doing the best I could even when I am not doing well in terms of my health,” Minister Ramsammy said.Dr Ramsammy also made it clear that he did not seek medical attention abroad with government funds.“I cannot be clearer – I did not seek the services of any medical doctor or institution. There is, therefore, no need for me to rely on Government to pay any medical expenses. Indeed,Andre Branch Dolphins Jersey, I am again asking for the Auditor General to check and determine how much the government has supported me in terms of medical expenses in Guyana or abroad at anytime during my tenure as Minister of Health.“The fact is that I have never requested any support from the Government of Guyana for personal medical expenses in Guyana or abroad. I did not do so when I was in the hospital in 2004 and I have not done so at any time.”Minister Ramsammy noted that whether he is sick or not,Brad Richards Red Wings Jersey, he will still be working.“If every now or then I need to take a break, I will announce it so as to make life easy for Mr. Ramjattan and Mr. Kissoon as they write and pontificate profoundly for the Guyanese public.”Kaieteur News was told that Minister Ramsammy left the country on Monday last to seek medical examination for his heart condition.Approximately four years ago,Cheap Jerseys From China, Dr. Ramsammy under went a triple heart-bypass surgery. Since then, he has been taking regular medical check ups.

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