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發表於 2017-6-25 12:32:55 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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In what could be deemed a bizarre move by a Region Three Local Authority, several young men of the Crane Housing Scheme are now unable to engage in sport activities at the area’s Community Ground which has over the years characterised a daily pastime for them. According to reports from residents of the area,Cheap Sports Jerseys, not only have the officials of the Best/Klien/Pouderoyen Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC) disregarded their plea but the police was also called when they attempted to halt efforts to deface the Community Ground.Piles of waste matter are visible on the community ground.This publication was informed that from about a week ago a truck laden with silt and vegetation has been frequenting the area and was seen depositing loads of the reeking waste on the community ground.According to a resident, who is a former member of the Council, the move came as a direct result of a directive by the NDC’s Chairman, Omesh Balram. The resident opined that there have been instances when the Chairman has operated in a high-handed manner,NFL Jerseys China Online, thus the recent move comes as no surprise.During a visit to the community ground this publication observed piles of the waste matter,Brad Richards Red Wings Jersey, which according to reports, was removed from a trench at Bella Dam, Pouderoyen, West Bank Demerara. A foul odour emanates from the dumped waste which lines the western fence of the community ground. The entrance there is barely visible as a result.Upon entry to the facility there were several more piles of the waste matter strewn mostly around the corners of the ground with a few others at various points on the field. There was an especially huge mound in the centre of a section that is used to play football, effectively preventing any such activities.However,Kyle Korver Hawks Jersey, the NDC Chairman, Balram,Andre Branch Dolphins Jersey, in an invited comment to this publication on the matter, said that the decision to move the waste to the community ground was not made independently. In fact,Cheap Jerseys Free, he related that a meeting was held with the football players as well as cricketers who utilise the ground in order to inform them of moves to level the ground. According to Balram, the players had earlier requested that works be done to improve the current state of the ground, particularly the eastern section which is used to play cricket matches.“We would not just do that to the ground without talking to the players. We just weren’t able to complete the work because the rains came and we had to stop, but it will soon be fixed,” said Balram. However, he did not speak to the unhygienic deposits which are intended to be used to level the ground.“They don’t know what deh between them stuff…them things come out of a trench…you can only classify that as waste; that is things to dump not to fix up a ground where these young men does play every day. All they are doing right now is making the ball field a dump site,” one resident opinedThe community ground is used by the ever-growing populations of the phase one and phase two sections of the West Coast Demerara village for a number of activities such as recreational event and kite-flying during the Easter Holidays, among others.

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