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發表於 2017-6-25 14:17:33 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Eleven new medical practitioners graduated after completing their final year Internship at the Suddie Public Hospital Corporation, Saturday.Ten of them were Essequibians. The lone Berbician was Cerdel Mc Watt.The eleven graduates completed their internship in areas of Internal Medicine, General Medicine, General Surgery, Gynecology and Pediatrics.The graduating doctorsThe graduates were Marlon Orlando Sooknaraine,NFL Jerseys From China, Student President in charge at the Suddie Public Hospital; Suzette Reynolds,NFL Jerseys China Cheap, Deoram Kajam, Suresh Surattan, Khikouti Dass, Lew Wai See; Vijay Persaud, Smolama Swan and Andy Da Silva.Dr. Cacia Maria Ochoa, Director of Medical Science in her native Cuba, reminded the graduates that they are being entrusted with a greater responsibility. It is another opportunity for the doctors to improve the Health system both locally and nationally by availing their committed services to patients, she said.Ochoa called on the doctors not to become stationary. Instead, they would have to give great service,NFL Jerseys China, and do so without fear.Student President in charge of doctors at Suddie Public Hospital, Marlon Orlando Sooknaraine,Cheap Jerseys Online, explained that the 11 doctors spent six years in Cuba. Their final year was spent at various hospitals in Guyana.Sooknaraine,Andrew Desjardins Jersey, a 25-year-old and former product of the Anna Regina Secondary School, gained a Cuban Scholarship, after gaining 14 CXC subjects.While he was fascinated with medicine from an early age, Sooknaraine added that he studied hard and was successful after the completion of his studies in the Spanish-speaking country.Based at the Suddie Public Hospital,NFL Jerseys Supply, Sooknaraine’s intention is to further pursue medical studies in specialized or General Surgery. He is even contemplating studies in Infectious Medicine and Epidemiology.He said that the most common complaints experienced by patients on the Essequibo Coast were Hypertension,Cheap Jerseys From China, Diabetics, Malaria, Dengue and Typhoid.Parmanand Persaud, Region Two’s chairman, who also graced the ceremony, described the partnership programme between Cuba and Guyana as “wonderful”. He said that Essequibo stands to benefit even as he urged theMarlon Sooknarainenew doctors to give of their best services.While compliments were hailed at both countries, Persaud has also announced that some time in the future the Suddie Public Hospital will introduce a Post Graduate Degree for perspective medical students in the Region.    (Yannason Duncan).

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