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[田徑] NFL Jerseys China Online including the two affected nurses.A press conference









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發表於 2017-6-25 19:12:08 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Linden nurses stage another sit-inNurses at Linden yesterday again staged a sit-in to protest the treatment being meted out to their colleagues who were recently robbed and raped while on duty at the Wismar Hospital.In the wake of that incident, the two nurses were seen by Dr Bhiro Harry, and were later given $15,000 in food vouchers and a further $6,Cheap Jerseys Free,000 for meat and greens.They were also given the option of relocating to another hospital,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, which they refused after seeing the deplorable state of the West Demerara Hostel, where they would have been accommodated if they had decided to relocate.The striking nurses also condemned a statement by acting Chief Executive Officer of the Linden Hospital Complex, Trevor Van Genderen,Cheap Jerseys From China, to auxiliary staff at a meeting earlier in the day.“There is no written document from the Government that states that, if anything happens to you while on duty, you will be compensated.”One irate nurse declared: “Well then, we coming to work at our own risk”.Another cause for concern that formed part of the protest, according to reports, is the deduction of monies from the salaries of nurses who were involved in the previous industrial action.Acting CEO Van Genderen had instructed the accounts department to deduct only one day’s pay from each nurse; but, instead,Throwback Jerseys, up to four and five days’ payments were deducted in some instances.Concern was also expressed at the early dates for resumption of duty by the two nurses from the Wismar Hospital, although they had initially been granted three months’ special leave after their ordeal.One of the nurses is expected to return to work on October 28, while the other will resume duties on November 10.Meanwhile, a list of the nurses’ concerns has been sent to the Guyana Public Service Union.Some of the concerns are the reneging of promises to the two nurses by both the Hospital Administration and the Ministry of Health, the intimidation and threats to staff by Administration, and the arbitrary deduction of monies from nurses’ salaries — including the two affected nurses.A press conference,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, scheduled for yesterday at 15:00 hours at the Linden Hospital Complex, was meanwhile postponed after media operatives from Georgetown reportedly opted not to travel to the mining town, in light of the recent tragedy involving a team of media operatives and personnel attached to the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company,Fernando Rodney Jersey, who had travelled to Ituni on an assignment.

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