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[健身] NFL Jerseys Cheap who used her expertise in the culinary arts









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Staying true to the notion that children are never too young to learn, the teachers of the Pine Street Nursery held their seventh annual “Red carpet Luncheon” two Fridays ago to allow pupils to display table and other etiquette they have been taught.The children were all decked out in their best attire to enjoy a sumptuous lunch.What some visiting adults found surprising, was that all of the children were dining in fine style, with knives and forks!It was former Headmistress of the school Faye Anne Tappin-Benn, who started this initiative seven years ago, to incorporate social graces alongside the school’s regular curriculum. She said that the teachers were very happy to go along with the programme.“I thought why not teach the children social graces and etiquette, like how to use knives and forks and how to conduct themselves socially and so on.”Tappin- Benn said that help was subsequently sought from prominent businesswoman and Managing Director of Jacs, Jacqueline Smith, who used her expertise in the culinary arts, to teach the children, table etiquette among other things.In 2009,NFL Jerseys Cheap China, the school,Andre Branch Dolphins Jersey, confident in the knowledge that pupils were well equipped to show off their new skills,China Jerseys Cheap, held the first ever Red Carpet Luncheon.Teachers and pupils on the red carpetAs the name implies the children enter the school on that day on a red carpet.The regular school furniture is replaced with well-adorned and formally-laid tables and chairs.According to Acting Headteacher and Senior Mistress Shonnel James, the children would have spent the entire week preceding the event mastering the art of dining with knives and forks.James added that the success of the programme is largely due to a very active Parent/Teacher Association, and the benevolence of a few business persons.“The PTA gives great support, we can say that we have one of the best PTA’s, and that is partly responsible for the level of success we have seen with this programme.President of the school’s PTA and Linden branch Manager of Citizen’s Bank,Deion Jones Falcons Jersey, Lytton Thompson, said that he is very impressed with the programme,Cheap Jerseys From China, which he posited is geared at imparting values and equipping the children with skills that would positively impact their lives. He complimented the teachers on the initiative.“These children are being nurtured in the right way. The foundation that they are getting here is important for their future development.”Prominent businesswoman Mayfield de Matthos Greene, who has lent continuous support to the school, applauded the teachers on the iniative which she said is a great way to teach the children values that would be beneficial to them, as they grow older.Those sentiments were reiterated by former secretary of the school’s PTA Judy Gravesande Noel,Brad Richards Red Wings Jersey, who was commended by the teachers for all the support and assistance she gave to the school over the years, not only as secretary, but as a ‘friend “ and patron of the institution. (Enid Joaquin)

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