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– appeals for reduction of Facilities Fee“Tragic” is the single adjective being used by President of the University of Guyana Student Society (UGSS), Joshua Griffith, to describe the loss of accreditation by the School of Medicine. The loss of accreditation has affected both the MedicineUGSS President,Joshua Griffithand Dentistry programmes at the University of Guyana (UG) which have been classified as ‘flagship programmes’ at the tertiary institution.But according to Griffith the students’ society,Cheap NFL Jerseys, led by the University of Guyana Medical Students’ Association, has worked tirelessly towards the prevention of this tragedy. “It is sad to note that the outcry for urgent improvement to the physical facilities has proven to be in vain…This is a blow to the University, one which will come at a cost to restore,” asserted the UGSS President.The School of Medicine earlier this year lost its accreditation status from the Jamaica-based accreditation body, Caribbean Accreditation Authority for Education in Medicine and other Health Professions (CAAM-HP).This development will in essence reduce the value of the degrees of the students who graduated at the weekend since without the CAAM-HP accreditation,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, the UG medical degree will no longer be on par with similar degrees in CARICOM territories.This therefore means that the graduated medical students will not be able to utilise their degrees outside of Guyana without first sitting the Caribbean Association of Medical Councils (CAMC) examination.Reclaiming the accredited status, could cost over US$35,000, Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences,NFL Jerseys China Cheap, Dr Emmanuel Cummings, told this publication.Among the concerns that led to the revocation of the accreditation status included the failure, on the part of the University, to ensure recommended improvement of facilities.Moreover, Griffith said that the UGSS is calling on the UG administration to address the unfinished facilities and deplorable conditions that plague the Faculty of Health Sciences and the medical students’ placement at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation and the Cheddi Jagan Dental School.But this situation is not the only issue of concern to the UGSS that have been brought to the attention of the UG Council.Griffith in a letter to the UG Council dated November 11,Wholesale China Jerseys, 2015 called for the immediate reduction of the existing facilities fee from $50,000 to $30,000. It is the expectation of the UGSS that the reduction will become applicable from the academic year 2015-2016.According to him,Adrian Wilson Cardinals Jersey, at consultations on the tuition increase and discussions with members of the Students’ Society, a significant promise for the use of the facilities fee was that of 10 scholarships be granted annually for students who are poor but have excelled academically. “Where are the 10 scholarships promised for academic year 2014/2015? We call on the University of Guyana to fulfill this promise of 10 Scholarships to the Students’ Society and by extension, the entire student body,” said Griffith.He disclosed that students are demanding an immediate refund of no less than $15,000 per student enrolled during the academic year 2014-2015. This refund, Griffith explained in his missive, is premised on the absence of decisions by the Learning Resource Committee to the allocation of the Learning Resource Fee; the inability to appropriately allocate spending of this fee to the benefit of every student in an environment of consultation and inclusion; the failure to fulfill all promised allocations of the Facilities Fee inter alia; the prevailing deplorable conditions and facilities at the University of Guyana; the Administration’s evidently poor management of especially our financial  resources and the UGSS President‘s evaluation of the first year of the implementation of the facilities fee coupled with feedback from student consultations.Detailed in Griffith’s missive are a wide range of issues affecting students ranging from security to deplorable washrooms conditions, all of which the UGSS is hopeful will be addressed forthwith by the institution’s administration.“This is the concrete opinion of the University of Guyana students, determined by unanimous decisions at the Society’s Historic General Meeting (October 6,Jerseys Cheap NFL, 2015) and via circulated petitions,” Griffith informed.While acknowledging that the Council has competent members who are aptly regarded as the guardians of student justice and the visionaries of the University, Griffith however noted that “we the students do not seek handouts, neither do we subscribe to irrational and unreasonable approaches.“We only ask to be treated fairly and respectfully as fellow academics, for the future of our dear land of Guyana, all we seek is respect and academic justice.”

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