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[田徑] Cheap Jerseys From China Baldeo Singh









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發表於 2017-6-26 14:23:48 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Four witnesses testified yesterday to identifying the remains of victims killed in the February 2008 Bartica Massacre, before the post mortem examination was conducted by State Pathologist Dr Nehaul Singh.Dennis Williams, called ‘Anaconda’; Mark Royden Williams,Cheap Jerseys Free, called ‘Durant’; and Roger Anthony Simon,China Jerseys Cheap, called ‘Goat Man’ are accused of the mass murder. The men are facing a trial before Justice Roxanne George and a mixed twelve-member jury.State Prosecutors,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, Stacy Goodings and Diana Kaulesar called four witnesses to the stand. The witnesses – Arif Alli Khan, Pancham Singh , Norma Fredericks and Amrita Thomas – testified to identifying the bodies of their relatives Ashram Ali Khan, Baldeo Singh, Shane Fredericks and Ron Osborne, to Dr Singh,Throwback Jerseys, before the post mortem examination.Last week state witnesses, Ingrid Ferreira, Zaheer Zakir and Faizul Ally testified to witnessing the post mortem examination.Ferreira told the court that on February 20, 2008, she visited the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) to witness a post mortem examination conducted on the body of her relative, Ignatius Ferreira called ‘Pakoo’, a former security guard.The witness recounted that the autopsy was conducted by State Pathologist Dr Nehaul Singh in the presence of a police officer. She said a funeral service was conducted at Sandy’s Funeral Home for the victim and he was later laid to rest at Sorrow Hill cemetery in Bartica, on February 23, 2008.Zaheer Zakir also testified to witnessing the autopsy conducted on the body of his son, Zaheer Zakir Jr. The examination was conducted at GPHC by Dr. Singh in the presence of a Lance Corporal of Police.Similarly, the third witness, Faizul Ally testified to witnessing the post mortem examination conducted on Faizal Ally, his nephew.Earlier in the trial, state witness Jaiwantie Singh gave detailed testimony of how persons stormed her home at First Avenue,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, Bartica, kicking down doors and firing gunshots during the 2008 assault, in which a dozen persons were killed.According to reports, on the night of February 17, 2008, several gunmen attacked Bartica, slaughtering a dozen people,Fernando Rodney Jersey, including three police officers, during an hour-long attack. It was reported that the armed men attacked the community’s police station, killing the officers there, before freeing prisoners. They then left with the vehicle assigned to the police station and went on a rampage, terrorizing the area.

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