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[游泳] Cheap Jerseys Free the suspect









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發表於 2017-6-27 08:26:36 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A 20 year construction worker is now dead, the victim of another murder, which occurred over a ‘chic-chic’ game outside a popular Lusignan, East Coast Demerara night spot.Dhanraj Budhan called ‘Toy’ of Mon Repos was pronounced dead on arrival at the Georgetown Hospital, an hour after he was allegedly beaten by a group of men at about 02:30 hours yesterday.One of his assailants,Cheap Jerseys From China, who reportedly admitted to stabbing Budhan with a knife, is currently under police guard at the same hospital,Deion Jones Falcons Jersey, nursing a stab wound to his left side abdomen.Dead: Dhanraj BudhanKaieteur News understands that Budhan was gaming on the popular chic-chic board when he became involved in an altercation with three men.Police in a press statement issued yesterday said that Budhan was allegedly beaten with pieces of wood, bottles and other articles.When relatives received word that something terrible had happened to him, his body was already in cold storage at the Georgetown Hospital mortuary.Buddhan who lives alone following the death of his mother last year,China Jerseys Cheap, left him home at Mon Repos on Saturday afternoon to take some items for his younger siblings a few miles away at La Bonne Intention (LBI).His aunt,Cheap Jerseys Free, Dinne Singh, who has been looking after him since his mother’s death, told this newspaper that Budhan told her that he would be going to a floodlight cricket match after dropping off the items.She urged him not to go to the cricket match but to come home as soon as he finished his chore.But he did not heed her words and Singh had no clue that Budhan ended up at the bar where he met his demise.She said that early yesterday morning, a taxi driver who had taken Budhan to the hospital related the tragic news.“This morning we get de news that he get beat up and deh at de hospital. We didn’t know that he went to the bar,” Singh said.She related that at the hospital,Andre Branch Dolphins Jersey, they were given Budhan’s belt and a band he had on his hand by hospital officials who then informed them that the young man was dead.She also had no clue as to what really transpired at the night club.“Well, he and he friends them went…he does usually go deh but he never had no problem with anybody,” Singh told this newspaper.Her husband,Deion Sanders Falcons Jersey, Sham Rambarose, recalled going to the night club where he heard the incident had taken place, after leaving the Georgetown Hospital.“When me go at de club me ask dem man if any murder happen hey …and in de club you could see blood with footprint come out,” Rambarose.He said that he did not hear what happened to Budhan.“Dis morning dey tell me ‘Toy’ deh hospital. So me ask if he deh bad but de man wah tell me nah really respond to me. Some come quick and tell me wife and den we call me sister-in law and we go hospital,” Rambarose recalled.He said that the police subsequently told him that a man who was in the hospital with an injury to his side was the person who killed Budhan.A usually reliable police source told Kaieteur News that Budhan was gambling when the suspect, whose name was given as Chetram, started picking up his winnings.When Budhan objected, the man dealt him a lash to his head with a bottle and a scuffle ensued.According to the source, another man who tried to make peace was stabbed and stumbled into the bar.Meanwhile, the fight continued and it is believed that during this time Budhan was fatally stabbed.However, the suspect, in trying to explain to the police how he received his wound, claimed that a man tried to rob him.He claimed that he fought off the man by lashing him in his head with a bottle.He later changed his story and admitted that he and Budhan had a fight and it was Budhan who pulled out a knife and stabbed him first.He added that he managed to take away the knife and defend himself.

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