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發表於 2017-6-28 06:44:19 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Twenty-three-year-old Simone Hackett was supposed to be the Maid of Honor at her sister’s wedding yesterday. It was also her three-year-old son’s birthday.But on Saturday night, Simone Hackett left her C Field, Sophia home between 20.00 hrs to collect a package sent from Mahdia by her son’s father——and promptly vanished.Relatives have tried unsuccessfully to reach her on her cell phone and have even checked at hospitals, in the event that she might have been injured. The police have since been notified.According to her mother, Simone received a phone call from her ‘child father’ at around 18.00 hrs on Saturday, instructing her to meet with “Dexter”,Authentic NFL Jerseys Wholesale, the individual who was supposedly bringing the package from Mahdia.After she failed to return, the family repeatedly tried to reach her by phone but only kept getting onto her voicemail.Her visibly distraught mother said that she received a call from her daughter’s phone at 22:10 hrs, but only heard background noises as though her daughter was in a moving vehicle.Missing: Simone HackettSimone’s mother and aunt then went to the Turkeyen Police Station and lodged a report yesterday morning. They said that an officer booked their report and immediately started looking into the case. Kaieteur News was told that officers made contact with the Mahdia Police Station. Ranks at Mahdia reportedly questioned him.Kaieteur News understands that the reputed husband said he last made phone contact with Simone Hackett at 18.00 hrs on Saturday and that ‘Dexter’, the courier of the package was a friend he knew from a previous job in the gold mines.He stated that “Dexter” hails from Pomeroon, Essequibo, and that after he called Simone Hackett to pick up the package he tried calling “Dexter” but his friend’s cell phone was turned off. Police subsequently released him as Hackett hasn’t been officially missing for more than 48 hours.Kaieteur News was told by Simone’s mother that Simone and her ‘child father’ recently had issues pertaining to custody of their three-year-old son but said that otherwise they knew of no one that would want to harm Hackett for any reason.Hackett was last seen wearing a pair of black three-quarter “jogger” sweat pants with pink lettering and a black vest. Hackett is of mixed ancestry, is medium build and stands at about 5’5’’.Her family is pleading with the public to come forward with any information that could lead to Hackett’s whereabouts.The family can be contacted on 670-7916 or 628-2819. The public is also advised to contact the nearest Police Station if they have any information about Simone Hackett.

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