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發表於 2017-6-28 12:58:30 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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From all appearances, eight-year-old Amelia Etwaroo, a grade three student of the Grove Primary School, is a healthy, fun-loving child.But what many people may not know is that her health is gradually deteriorating because of the presence of a strange object, the size of a cricket ball, in her head.According to the child’s father, Mahadeo Etwaroo, doctors were able to detect the object in his daughter’s head following a CT scan. Mahadeo also related that the doctors have warned that the object must be removed urgently, since the child’s health could deteriorate devastatingly.But, compounding Mahadeo’s challenge is the fact that the surgical operation for the child cannot be conducted here, and is likely to cost in excess of US$15,Dennis Smith Broncos Jersey,000 if it is done in Trinidad, an amount he does not have at his disposal.According to the man, the Ministry of Health has assured him financial assistance of no more than US$5,000. He added that he is hoping the public could assist his urgent financial need to help improve his daughter’s health.Reflecting on how his daughter’s condition came to light, Mahadeo said that it was just about six weeks ago that she began complaining of a constant pain in her head.The man said that his concerns were aroused when the child’s explanation of her pain did not seem consistent with a regular headache.Amelia EtwarooAs such, the child was taken to the Diamond Diagnostic Centre, where she received treatment for influenza.  However, the persistence of the headache, with added intensity, caused Mahadeo to take the child to a private hospital,Tommy McDonald Eagles Jersey, where the CT scan was conducted, detecting the object in the child’s head.According to Mahadeo,Alan Page Vikings Jersey, the doctor at the private facility was unable to identify the object,Torry Holt Rams Jersey, but noted that it could be a tumour,Warren Sapp Buccaneers Jersey, an abscess, or fluid which has settled at the back of the child’s brain.And since there was nothing that the private facility could have done for the child,Jerry Rice 49ers Jersey, she was referred to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation to seek the attention of a Neurologist.However,Wayne Chrebet Jets Jersey, unfortunately for the ailing child, the GPHC currently does not have the services of a Neurologist, thus the need for the child to be attended to abroad.In addition to a constant headache and vomiting, Amelia has also since developed blurred vision in her right eye.According to Mahadeo, he is hopeful that, before the end of this week, he will be able to secure the necessary finances to take his daughter to Trinidad to be examined and operated on.Persons who would like to assist financially or in any other way towards Amelia’s surgery can contact Mahadeo or his relatives on telephone numbers: 617-3460,Reggie White Eagles Jersey, 625-0406,Doug Flutie Chargers Jersey, or 644-0219.

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