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發表於 2017-6-28 14:12:17 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Abena RockcliffeTomorrow the National Assembly will be presented with a Bill that seeks to amend the Former PresidentsFormer President, Bharrat Jagdeo(Benefits and Other Facilities) Act of 2009 which provided unlimited benefits to all former presidents of Guyana.Passage of this new Bill will force former President Bharrat Jagdeo to either curtail his lifestyle or foot a large percent of his bills. The new Bill specifies some conditions under which the capped or limited benefits of a former president may be enjoyed. However, the new Bill has nothing to do with and will not touch the pension offered to former presidents.The Act of 2009 allowed former presidents to have uncapped benefits. Jagdeo has been the only former president to really benefit from this provision.Since Jagdeo demitted Office in 2011, the state stood all expenses for his water, electricity and telephone services. The state paid for all the former president’s maids, his gardener and his security. Jagdeo got unlimited use of state vehicles which had to be maintained and fueled by the state.Last year,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, Former Minister of Finance, Dr Ashni Singh,NBA Authentic Jerseys, in responding to a question posed by former A Partnership for National Unity parliamentarian Desmond Trotman, said that Jagdeo racked up in excess of $45M on transportation, security and electricity bills within 27 months..The figures provided by Dr. Singh, represented the money the State spent for Jagdeo’s transportation, security and electricity from the time he demitted office in December 2011 up to February 2014.Jagdeo’s total electricity bill for the duration amounted to over $9.8M. His average monthly billMinister of Finance, Winston Jordanwas $365,766 at the time.For transportation, Jagdeo utilized over $15.2M. The State spent over $20.3M for Jagdeo’s security over that 27-month period, an average of $752,649 monthly.The number of vehicles and guards provided to the former President were not provided.The monthly health expenses/claims met for Jagdeo and his dependents during the specified period were not provided.Former Presidents will now be given $25,000 per month for electricity, a further $25,000 for water and another $25,NFL Jerseys From China,000 for telephone.With this new provision, former presidents will be given $300,000 per year for electricity which is less than Jagdeo’s current monthly electricity bill.The new Bill states that former presidents will be given services of personal and household staff, including a gardener but, the total number of such staffers cannot exceed three persons.There will be a limit of $200,000 per annum for reimbursement of medical expenses incurred by a former President for himself and his children below the age of eighteen years and his spouse provided that the money was not spent on medical attention and treatment obtained abroad or at private health facilities in Guyana, and were available in Guyana at government institutions.Former President, Donald RamotarFormer presidents will be given full time personal security, not exceeding two persons including those at the place of residence.Former presidents will also be entitled to the provision of not more than two motor vehicles owned and maintained by the State; toll free transportation; and an annual vacation allowance equivalent to the cost of two first class return airfares provided on the same conditions applicable to judges of the Supreme Court of Judicature.However, even with the benefits being capped, the new Bill states that “A former President shall cease to be entitled to the benefits and other facilities provided under section 3, if the former President engages in business, trade or paid employment or is convicted of a criminal offence for which a term of imprisonment is imposed.”Jagdeo is presently before the court for charge for which if he is found guilty of,Cheap Jerseys From China, he can be fined $100,000 and jailed for two years.When contacted yesterday, former President Donald Ramotar said that he is yet to make a decision as to if he will continue to work as he is “very busy” at the moment,Throwback Jerseys, looking at “other things.”Ramotar said that he currently has two security guards and one state vehicle. Therefore, he will not have to give up anything after the Bill is passed.However, according to reports, Jagdeo currently has more than one state vehicle at his disposal and retains more than two security guards.The new Bill takes into account the fact that former Presidents are eligible for a pension which is 7/8 that of the salary of the President in office.The Bill is to be presented to the House by Minister of Finance, Winston Jordan.A Bill resembling this one was passed in the Tenth Parliament back in 2012. It was taken to the House by the then shadow Minister of Finance,Kyle Korver Hawks Jersey, Carl Greenidge.But even though the Bill was passed, the then President, Donald Ramotar, refused to assent to it and therefore it was not made law.This Bill seems to be more generous than the Bill of 2012 as that Bill only allocated $5,000 for water, electricity and telephone services.

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