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Brad Richards Red Wings Jersey Jermaine Mitchell









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發表於 2017-6-29 07:28:51 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Sergeant Phillip Bowman was called to the stand to give evidence in the robbery trial against Chandrada Rampersaud,Fernando Rodney Jersey, Hardat Kumar,Artemi Panarin Jersey, Jermaine Mitchell, Aubrey Simon and Rayon Jones who are accused of robbing businessman Malcolm Panday in early July 2012.Bowman told the court that he was involved in the taking of statements from several persons.“I was entrusted by Superintendent Trotman to take the statements from Rayon Jones,NFL Jerseys From China,” Bowman said as he was responding to questions posed by Attorney at Law Glenn Hanoman,Throwback Jerseys, who is prosecuting the case.The witness told the court he could recognize the statements he took by his signature and the contents. He later identified the statements which were presented to him in court as the ones he obtained.Bowman held that the statements were freely and voluntarily given by the suspects as no force or inducement was used before or after their procurement. He added that none of the suspects made any complaints about feeling discomfort.Under cross examination by Defence Counsel Randolph Kirton,Brad Richards Red Wings Jersey, the witness agreed that the statement that he obtained from Jones was not incriminating but he could not explain why Jones was still charged for the crime.Police Inspector Kenrick Parris was the next witness to take the stand.Parris said that he conducted the identification parade in which Jermaine Mitchell and Radindranauth Seemangal were placed.  Parris said that the parade took place at the Brickdam Criminal Investigations Department (CID),Deion Sanders Falcons Jersey, where he claimed that both Mitchell and Seemangal signed the “C19 form” before participating in the ID parade.  However when shown the document, Mitchell claimed that he never signed it.The officer told the court that Annie Ramsood and her husband Malcolm Panday both attended the parade and positively identified both Mitchell and Seemangal as two of the persons who conducted the raid on their home. He pointed to Mitchell as the one of the persons identified by the couple during the exercise.

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