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Cheap Sports Jerseys Charles Sampson









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發表於 2017-6-29 10:13:23 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Region Ten Administration has already spent some $5M to rent a car for the Regional Chairman between 2013 and today. The car is rented at the rate of $260,Marlon Humphrey Jersey,000 per month.This was reported by Regional Chairman Sharma Solomon at the Statutory meeting last Thursday in the Boardroom of the Regional Democratic Council.According to the Chairman he is without a vehicle for so long and the cost of the rental for a car so far exceeds the cost of a new one. “I see no reason why the vehicle which was recommended should not be purchased because it would have cost far less. This rental is only to frustrate the officers of this Region and to waste tax payers’ money.”The vehicle originally assigned to the Chairman was sent to the workshop with one defect. To date it is still there.APNU Councillor,Cheap Jerseys Free, Charles Sampson, openly stated his disgust of the situation,Fernando Rodney Jersey, “What is happening to you and the VC it good. We buy recondition vehicle,Cheap Jerseys From China, the Government don’t buy new vehicles, most of the vehicles this Region got we should just drive them in the river. No vehicle available,Throwback Jerseys, if we need vehicles let us take drastic action. I feel it is disrespect to the Chairman and Vice Chairman. We should boycott RDC meetings. It is a shame this Region renting a vehicle for the Chairman since 2013.”Councillor Sampson also noted that no one can accuse the Chairman or Vice Chairman of not carrying out their jobs effectively because there is no adequate transportation.Another Councillor was also upset over the fact that the Chairman and Vice Chairman are without adequate transportation. He said that he is not totally in agreement with the boycotting of the meetings. “I don’t believe these people are in their right minds because I can’t see they are and are allowing such things to happen – to waste money.”Chairman Sharma Solomon said that he has no idea why money is taken out of the Region to increase the stipend of Toshaos,NFL Jerseys Cheap China, Deputy Toshaos and other senior officers when there is a Ministry of Amerindian Affairs and the Chairman and Vice Chairman are without adequate transportation although he has no problem with their increase.

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