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發表於 2017-6-29 14:04:12 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Fatal Suriname crash…Those killed in the crash in Nickerie,Wholesale Jerseys USA, Suriname crash have all been identified. Arrangements are now being made to have their remains returned to Guyana. The dead are 42 year-old Police Sergeant,Throwback Jerseys, Andrea Isaacs; GTM employee,Arizona Diamondbacks Fernando Rodney Jersey, 41-year-old Monique Charlene Lynch and her fiancé 32-year-old Asa Sauers.Dead: Police Sergeant Andrea IsaacsThe lone survivor of the crash has been identified as Velma Lynch, Monique Charlene Lynch’s stepmother and former head mistress of North Georgetown Multilateral School.A cousin of the dead Lynch, Winifred Moore,Wholesale China Jerseys, said that they family received the news of her death late Friday evening.“Somebody from Suriname called and ask if we know that Monique was in Suriname and her mother said yes. Then the person told us that her vehicle crashed and that she, her fiancé,Cheap NFL Jerseys, her stepmother and her friend were dead,”Moore said that later they began getting calls from local media operatives about the accident. The woman said that they last saw Monique on Thursday after she left her Victoria,Adidas Craig Smith Jersey, East Coast Demerara, home that evening.“We knew that she was leaving for Suriname very early Friday morning so she slept over by her stepmother who was also going on the trip.”Moore said that Monique last made contact with her relatives around noon on Friday, informing them that she was on her way to Suriname.Monique was no stranger to the Dutch speaking territory and she often drove to that destination.“She goes there very often but we do not know who was driving at the time of the accident. However, we know she drove over there before. She was supposed to leave on Wednesday but she had some problem with her passport,” Moore recalled.Monique’s only son and another relative are currently in Suriname making arrangement to have her remains brought back to Guyana.Meanwhile, Isaacs’s mother, Lorna Isaacs, said that she learnt about the accident after a local reporter called her on the telephone. Mrs. Isaacs said that the man who called her did not inform her that her daughter was dead. It was only when another reporter visited her home that she was greeted with the news of her only daughter’s death.Dead: 32 year-old Asa SauersThe woman related that she last saw Andrea on Friday morning when she was preparing to leave their Waterloo Street home for her trip to Suriname. Isaacs who said that she is still trying to come to grips with her daughter’s death, is awaiting the arrival of her son from overseas to make the necessary arrangements to bring the body back home.Sauers who also perished in the accident was on one-week vacation leave and was heading to Suriname to spend time. His brother, Ruel Sauers, told this publication that it was only Friday morning that his brother informed him about the trip.He said that his brother was employed with Rubis at the CJIA and was the father of two. Meanwhile Mrs. Lynch who survived the crash is expected to be released from the Lachmipersad Mungra Regional Hospital of Nickerie on Monday.Reports out of Suriname are that the driver of the blue SUV in which the persons were traveling, apparently lost control. An eyewitness recounted seeing it careening from one side of the road to the other.It is still unknown whether one of its wheels blew out.Dead: 41-year-old Monique Charlene Lynch.

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