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發表於 2017-6-29 16:30:28 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Praises and thanks were made to God on Wednesday evening by members of the Mashabo Adventist Church for extending the life of Essequibo’s oldest resident, 104-year old Lillian Elliot, when she celebrated another milestone.The woman marked the occasion of her birth anniversary with a simple service attended by close family and friends.Elliot’s longevity is credited to the fact that she remains very agile as a result of not being hampered by any life threatening ailments. She only suffers from sporadic eye pains.Lillian Elliot (right) enjoys an ice cream cone in the company of Essequibo’s second oldest, May Garraway.A native Amerindian, she resides in the Amerindian Community of Mashabo,Adam Joseph Duhe Dolphins Jersey, located east of the Essequibo Coast,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, with her daughter Norma Elstob. She has been there for the past decade after relocating from Torurab Creek in the Lower Pomeroon River, where she was born on July 31st, 1908.Elliot is independent when it comes to taking care of almost all of her personal needs. While she consumes all types of food,Wholesale China Jerseys, she is not allowed to prepare meals, explained her daughter, who has been caring for her mother for the past 10 years.Elliot routinely consumes cassava bread and fish, and the early riser usually takes her first bath in the black water creek at Mashabo,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, unaided,NBA Store, after which she spends the remainder of the day quietly at home.In a recent conversation,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, Elstob related that her mother recently returned to the Coast after spending several months with her grandson, Michael Elstob in Berbice.Elliot delivered 10 children,Nike NFL Jerseys China, eight of whom are still alive.She has countless grand and great grandchildren.Her late husband Teleophus Miguel was a farmer. Elliot also farmed in an effort to take care of her young children after her husband’s death. She never remarried.Her hope is to continue living long, unaided.

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