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發表於 2017-6-29 18:09:57 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Despite legislative and institutional reforms and increasing attention to the problem, violence against women and girls is still on the increase, says newly appointed advocate for gender justice of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM),David Robinson USA Jersey, Dr Rosina Wiltshire.“Significant numbers of women in this region are being killed by their partners,Scottie Pippen USA Jersey,” she said yesterday at a press conference at the CARCIOM Secretariat in Georgetown.Wiltshire’s appointment is the first of its kind, and she has been tasked with co-ordinating research on gender-based violence within the Caribbean and raise awareness of the need for further action to develop and strengthen integrated responses.She wants to harmonise all social and legal sectors that work for the protection of women and provide services to victims as well as perpetrators,DeAndre Jordan USA Jersey, since it has been found that perpetrators of violence against women were once abused themselves.Wiltshire also wants to find the linkage between the concept of male sexuality and how it relates to violence against women and girls.“We want to hear from the young men and women what they understand to be the essence of being a man,Kobe Bryant USA Jersey, and how this may contribute to the perpetration of violence,” Wiltshire stated.The CARICOM Secretary General Edwin Carrington also acknowledged progress in some areas, but pointed to the need for further work.He said that although inequalities still exist,Russell Westbrook USA Jersey, the Caribbean has made significant progress over the last decade in achieving equality between women and men.  He credited this to legislation,Stephen Curry USA Jersey, gender mainstreaming, the institutionalisation of gender programmes and “a proliferation of studies and policy analyses that have fostered a better understanding of the complementary gender roles.”Nevertheless, he said there is still work to be done to accelerate progress for equality and gender justice.“These include, but are not limited to, the harmonisation of national legislation with international instruments; promotion of secure livelihoods; ensuring access to social protection and strengthening public interventions to address domestic violence,Marcus Morris Pistons Swingman Jersey,” Carrington said in a message to mark International Women’s Day, which was celebrated yesterday.Wiltshire,Carmelo Anthony USA Jersey, from Barbados,Tristan Thompson Cavaliers Swingman Jersey, brings a wealth of her experience to her post and she has been congratulated on her appointment by Caribbean women icons such as Guyanese Magda Pollard and Justice Desiree Bernard.The establishment of an Office of the Special Advocate against GBV underpins the strategy to reduce the high incidence of violence against women in the Caribbean.Funded under the CARICOM / Spain Co-operation Agreement, the two-year project seeks to develop a more co-ordinated and integrated approach to reducing Gender Based Violence (GBV) in the CARICOM region.As Special Advocate, Dr Wiltshire will also propose specific recommendations aimed at enhancing Member States’ compliance with their international and regional priority obligations of equality and non-discrimination.As such, the Advocate will be expected to influence policy development on gender-based violence in the Caribbean through advocacy and knowledge provision.

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