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發表於 2017-6-29 20:35:11 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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…shortly after touching down in Guyana   A British-based octogenarian got a rude welcome to Guyana when he was ambushed, shot and robbed by bandits shortly after arriving outside his sister’s home from the Cheddi Jagan International Airport, (CJIA) Timehri.Glendon Codogan, 83, is presently in a stable condition in the Intensive Care Unit of a city hospital, where he underwent emergency surgery yesterday morning to treat gunshot wounds.The incident occurred around 09:30 hours at Shirley Field-Ridley Square, Guyhoc Gardens.Police say their investigations revealed that Cadogan had travelled from the CJIA and was confronted by three men, one of whom was armed with a firearm, who drove up in a motor vehicle as he was entering his sister’s yard. The men held him up and demanded a bag that he had in his possession.The elderly man resisted and was shot to his abdomen and left arm by the perpetrators,Mel Blount Steelers Jersey, who subsequently escaped with the bag.Police say a woman has been arrested and is assisting with the investigations.Kaieteur News understands that the detained woman is Codogan’s 42-year-old female acquaintance,L.C. Greenwood Steelers Jersey, who had accompanied him from the airport.Reliable sources informed this newspaper that Codogan had arranged with the woman to meet him at the airport upon his arrival in Guyana yesterday for a brief stay.This newspaper was told that Codogan,Ross Cockrell Steelers Jersey, who previously visited Guyana late last year, returned home to complete arrangements for a house he had purchased at Eccles on the East Bank of Demerara.The couple hired a taxi from the airport and travelled to the city, where Codogan planned to spend his days at his sister Gloria David’s house.David said that she did not see the actual shooting,Irving Fryar Patriots Jersey, she was alerted by a neighbour’s screams.“I was expecting him and when the taxi drove up I opened the door to go out and greet him as per normal whenever he comes…but I turned back and go inside to get something for the neighbour. By the time I taking out the thing, I hear bow, bow, bow!” she said.David said she immediately recognized the sound to be gunshots, but she never thought that it was associated with her overseas guest.She said she then heard her neighbour shouting “Gloria,Bart Starr Packers Jersey, Gloria, don’t come out!”“I start screaming and say ‘Oh Jesus, is me brother get shoot’.”Eventually David peered outside and saw her brother standing and clutching his abdomen.“He’s eighty-three but my brother is strong,” David said.She said she saw the driver of the car that brought her brother standing transfixed,Julio Jones Falcons Jersey, while Codogan’s female friend was crouching on the ground, screaming.David said that the incident occurred so quickly that she did not see her brother’s assailants.She believes that she was lucky that she had to turn back and go into the house.“When I opened that door first,Rob Gronkowski Patriots Jersey, if I had gone out there, I would have been shot,Jack Lambert Steelers Jersey,” she stated.The badly bleeding Codogan was eventually rushed to the hospital where he was immediately admitted.“He troubles with his heart and he had on the heart thing (pacemaker) around him and maybe that is what stopped the bullet from penetrating,” David told this newspaper.It was reported that Codogan also sustained some stab wounds during the attack.“My neighbour said she saw when one of the men had the gun up in the air and it look like if he was punching with the other hand, but was stab he was stabbing him. His hands got a lot of stitches. Like they did not want to shoot, so they were stabbing him trying to cut the bag from him,” David explained.The incident has left her in a state of shock, especially since it happened outside her house.“This never happened here. You know how many people come and stay here from overseas and it never, never happened. But this thing like it was a set-up, because they (bandits) knew the direct time,” David stated,Lawrence Timmons Steelers Jersey, adding that she had received information that a strange black car was seen in the area shortly before the robbery.

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