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Three weeks ago, Leomi Willis,Jerseys From China, began campaigning for the coalition A Partnership for National Unity/Permanent Secretary, Colin CroalAlliance for Change (APNU+AFC) because of what she deemed as unacceptable behaviour by the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C). She objected to the treatment of young persons.She is the mother of the teen who was reported missing and who was found in the company of Permanent Secretary, Colin Croal at Kamwatta.The mother and Community Support Officer (CSO) had previously been a supporter of the PPP/C but a recent youth march in Mabaruma made Willis reconsider her political position.According to Willis what disturbed her was the involvement of underage persons participating in alcohol consumption at the rallies and youth marches. On Sunday,Jerseys NFL China, among those faces,Nike NFL Jerseys China, to her surprise,Jerseys NFL Wholesale China, was her 17-year-old daughter.Permanent Secretary Croal was a part of the march involving the number of underage teenagers.In an interview with this publication, Willis revealed that she was shocked to find her daughter taking part in the PYO march,Jerseys NFL Cheap, since in her view her daughter is a minor and went to participate without her permission.“I don’t have a problem with her associating with the party,Andrew Desjardins Jersey,” said Willis. “My issue is that my daughter started to drink and come home at odd hours of the night because she would be at these PYO events.”After talking to her daughter about her concerns, Willis said that she thought the matter had been resolved but once again she was surprised on a recent campaign trip to Kamwatta where she saw her daughter intoxicated and wearing a PYO jersey with other members.The mother said that she brought out her daughter from the village and called authorities to signal the filing of a report. She then related that one of her friends talked to the daughter, urging her to “behave herself” in the best interest of her parent.Once again, Willis said that she thought that this would be an end to her daughter’s behaviour, as she appeared to be remorseful. Shockingly, this was not the case. Willis revealed that her daughter went to the police to press charges against her for physically abusing her.Willis has denied those charges, and believes that her daughter is being forced to do so. Since Willis’ public endorsement of the APNU+AFC, she claims she has been receiving regular threats, to the point where she is afraid to leave her home.“I don’t feel free. I’m scared of all the threats they are sending me,” related Willis. She revealed that she is afraid the PYO group is trying to use her daughter against her.Things further escalated when the 17 year-old’s father on Tuesday reported her missing. He reportedly asked Willis whether she was aware that her daughter left Mabaruma on a plane to Moruca.According to the mother, she believed that her daughter had left Mabaruma in Croal’s presence without permission. It was subsequently discovered that the daughter was in the compound of the airstrip with a friend.However,Wholesale NFL China Jerseys, while the teenager is in the care of her mother, she continues to remain silent when questioned about her activities with Croal.“I think they [PYO] should respect mothers and fathers,” said Willis as she expressed concern over the involvement of the Permanent Secretary with her daughter.In an issued statement, the PYO confirmed that its members were at the Kamwatta community for an event accompanied by the Permanent Secretary. The statement said that members ranged from ages 14-35 and at no time was the teenager in question reported missing.The release stated that her mother was “fully aware” of her daughter’s involvement with the youth group’s activities. The PYO has denied that the young girl was intoxicated and condemns such behaviour, saying that the organisation adheres to the rules and regulations of the country.

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