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發表於 2017-6-30 05:05:04 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Commander of ‘E’ Division, Farouk Karim-Baksh has rubbished reports by some Christianburg residents that one of their own was attacked and bludgeoned in his house.According to the commander, the death of Christianburg resident,Billy Turner Dolphins Jersey, John Gonzales,Justin Hunter Dolphins Jersey, is now being treated as one occasioned by natural causes.This is however expected to be verified after a post mortem is done on the man’s remains, the Commander said.According to Karim-Baksh, Gonzales was taken to the Linden Hhospital Complex, because he was ill.But several residents in the community begged to differ, and remain adamant that Gonzales was the victim of foul play.Gonzales, of 34 Alstrom Alley, Christianburg,Byron Maxwell Dolphins Jersey, Wismar,Brandon Graham Eagles Jersey, Linden, was discovered early yesterday morning by a neighbour, whose sister was alerted by another neighbour, that he was in his house groaning.The neighbour, upon checking in on Gonzales said that she started to scream after she saw him on his bed drenched in blood.“I was in so much shock, and I kept asking myself who would want to kill John, he never troubled anybody. I’ve lived here all these years and I’ve never known him to trouble anybody.”Gonzales was rushed to the Linden Hospital Complex, where he succumbed while being prepped for transfer to the Georgetown Public Hospital.According to reports, it is suspected that Gonzales was forced to ingest a poisonous substance,Jason Verrett Chargers Jersey, and was later bludgeoned with a heavy object.A medical source claimed that Gonzales exhibited symptoms that indicated he would have ingested a poisonous substance.A few persons have reported that Gonzales, who would often give away stale tennis rolls to persons with fowls, had over the past few days been giving away the rolls which were found to contain rat poison.“One day when he gave me some of the rolls I observed that the rolls were cut, and when I opened it there was rat poison, so I told him about it and he said to just soak it and give the fowls.Other reports indicate that Gonzales was the victim of ‘petty criminals’,Max Tuerk Chargers Jersey, who often broke into his apartment and stole his money and other articles.Gonzales,Rodney McLeod Eagles Jersey, a senior citizen,Kenjon Barner Eagles Jersey, lived in the bottom flat of a relative’s house in Christianburg. A former employee of the local Bauxite industry,Laremy Tunsil Dolphins Jersey, he was unmarried and lived alone. It was inadvertently stated in yesterday’s edition of this paper that Gonzales was 34 years old.Gonzales in fact, lived at 34 Alstrom Alley.

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