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[游泳] Donnie Shell Steelers Jersey oyfaktob









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發表於 2017-6-30 05:07:48 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Several prisoners in the Caribbean have been released from jail for Easter, thanks to charity organization, Food For The Poor.According to the South Florida Caribbean News a total of 81 prisoners in Guyana,Doug Flutie Chargers Jersey, Haiti,King Dunlap Chargers Jersey, Honduras and Jamaica would be free.In Guyana, 21 inmates were released on Monday from the Georgetown, Timehri and New Amsterdam Prisons.Since the inception of Food For The Poor’s Prison Ministry Programme in 1998,Jeremiah Attaochu Chargers Jersey, the charity has assisted in freeing, training and reintroducing prisoners back into the community as productive citizens.“Prison conditions and poverty are drastically worse in developing countries than they are in the United States,Dorial Green-Beckham Eagles Jersey,” said Robin Mahfood, President/CEO of Food For The Poor.“Overcrowded prisons are common,Arian Foster Dolphins Jersey, and perpetuate the spread of disease and violence.”The barracks in Cap-Haitien,Jordan Phillips Dolphins Jersey, Haiti, are reportedly so congested,Denzel Perryman Chargers Jersey, that men are forced to sit in rows on the floor and hug their knees close to their chests – taking turns to stand, and stretch out their limbs. While at the prison releasing inmates,Xavien Howard Dolphins Jersey, observers noted that many inmates had died before receiving a trial, due to the rapid spread of disease within the prison.Most of the 16 prisoners released in Haiti in time for Easter were jailed because they stole food to feed their starving families. A 23-year-old father of two and caregiver for his paralyzed mother was released from the Cap-Haitien prison on March 25, after spending six months in jail. He had been accused of stealing a bag of rice. He was happy to be free, but at the same time he was anxious about what circumstances were waiting for him at home.Another inmate,Byron Maxwell Dolphins Jersey, accused by his brother of stealing a goat, had spent the last five months in jail protesting his innocence. He described regaining his freedom as “God’s love in action.” He said God Himself freed him because he is innocent.Prison authorities have found Food For The Poor’s Prison Ministry Programme to be so successful that they have implemented a similar programme themselves. Some prisons now offer inmates jobs in the prison where they are held so that they can earn money to pay off their fines.Twice a year – during the week of Christmas and during Easter’s Holy Week – the Food For The Poor Prison Ministry Programme releases inmates who have committed minor offences.

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