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發表於 2017-6-30 06:17:36 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Three policemen, Eon Grannum, Shendel James, 37,Wholesale Cheap Jerseys, and Jermaine Durant 25, appeared yesterday before acting Chief Magistrate Priya Beharry, jointly charged with the indictable offences of possession of narcotics for the purpose of trafficking and demanding money with menace to prevent prosecution.According to police prosecutor Stephen Telford, on November 12, last,Wholesale China Jerseys, around 08:30 hours,Jerseys From China, the defendants, who at the time were attached to the Tactical Services Unit (TSU) were patrolling around East Bank Demerara, when they left that jurisdiction and conducted a search on a house at Kitty, Georgetown.In the house the three defendants reportedly found 301 grams of marijuana.  An occupant of the house, Bryan Chung, was however arrested but was later released after the defendants demanded $75,000 to prevent prosecution.The operation took quite a twist when Chung reported the matter to the patrolling ranks’ superiors.The money ($75,000) which the defendants demanded was marked by senior police officers and given to Chung for him to deliver to the three ranks.Around 17:15 hours the same day, a ‘sting operation’ was conducted and several police officers intercepted Grannum,Marlon Humphrey Jersey, James and Durant,NBA Store, who were all still in the patrolling police vehicle, PLL1000.A search was later carried out on the said vehicle and surprisingly the marked bills and 301 grams of marijuana were found under the front passenger seat.The defendants were told of the offence, cautioned and taken to the station where they were charged.Defense counsel Gregory Gaskin appeared on behalf of the three defendants and stated in his bail application that James resides at lot 22 Stone Avenue, Campbellville,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, Georgetown, has been a member of the Guyana Police Force (GPF) for 16 years and is a father of three minors.Durant, he said,Cheap NFL Jerseys, is a serving member of the Force for three years six months and lives at lot 41 Good Fortune West Bank Demerara. The attorney also asked that the court take into consideration that Eon Grannum is a Lance Corporal who has been a part of the Force for the past 16 years and resides at lot 2214 Flying Fish Street, North Ruimveldt, Georgetown. He also has two children to provide a living for.Gaskin went on to explain that on the day of the incident his clients were on duty when a search was conducted on a house in Kitty. He added that the defendants were arrested while they were in the process of transporting Bryan Chung, who they had arrested for marijuana possession.A submission of reasonable bail was also requested. The attorney pleaded that the court should take into consideration the special, yet unusual charge which the defendants are facing. He further called for Bryan Chung to be arrested and a scrupulous investigation be conducted into the matter.Prosecutor Telford objected to bail on the grounds of the parties (police officers) who are involved in the matter. He told Magistrate Beharry that the defendants have brought infamy and humiliation upon the Guyana Police Force and as such should be remanded.The three police officers were subsequently remanded until Friday.

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