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Cheap Jerseys Free was shot dead and his son









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發表於 2017-6-30 12:43:17 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Guyana Police Force has released the crime statistics for this year comparing it to same period for the previous year and there has been a three percent increase in murders.The period is from January 1 to August 31, 2011, with corresponding statistics for the same period last year.There has been an increase of three per cent in murders — 88 for the same period last year and 91 at the end of August this year.Last year,Artemi Panarin Jersey, from January to August there were four execution murders, whereas this year, there were five. Three of the murders were in A Division while the other two were in the B and C Divisions respectively.Disorderly murders were the highest recorded for both periods for last year and this year, with some 31 killings. The E and F division (hinterland) recorded 20 murders, followed by A Division with three, B Division with five, C Division with two, and D Division, one. There was no disorderly killing in G Division.The police further stated that there was a slight decrease in robbery murders compared to last year. Last year there were 18 murders, whereas this year,Fernando Rodney Jersey, 17 have been recorded.Robbery under arms has increased by 12 per cent with 548 reports up to August 31 this year, compared to 488 for the same period last year.The number of armed robberies involving the use of firearms was almost unchanged, There has been a 48 per cent increase in armed robberies where instruments other than firearms were used by the perpetrators.Domestic murders have seen an increase of 13 percent,Cheap Jerseys From China, with last year recording 16 murders and this year recording some 18 murders. The Division with the highest domestic murders was A Division, six murders compared to three last year.Ten persons were killed last month when compared to the previous month.According to reports most of the murders happened in the E and F Division.Only last month Daniel Higgins Sr., 48, was shot dead and his son, 22-year-old son,NFL Jerseys Cheap, Daniel Jr., was hacked to death at their Konawaruk mining camp. The elder Higgins owned and operated a dredge and excavator.The police had stated that the victims were mining when a man approached and shot the elder Higgins about his body, while another man chopped his 22-year-old son to the neck.The body of Daniel Higgins (Sr.) was found buried in a mining pit.Kaieteur News understands that one of the killers forced the excavator operator at gunpoint to bury the body. An official said that the killers escaped with a small quantity of raw gold and cash.From reports reaching this newspaper,China Jerseys Cheap, the killers struck when most of the more seasoned crewmen were away from camp. Some had reportedly returned to the city for a wedding.The police have since issued a wanted bulletin for Ossafi Sparman, 20, in connection with the double murders.His last known address was given as Lot 3 Kuru Kururu,NFL Jerseys China Online, Soesdyke/ Linden Highway.

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