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發表於 2017-6-30 20:29:48 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The repairs being done on Retractor Span 8 of the Demerara Harbour Bridge (DHB) is scheduled to begin today.The works are scheduled to last four days and will limit the vehicular traffic to vehicles less then five tonnes.According to the DHB management,Mike Mitchell Steelers Jersey UK, the maintenance operation dubbed ‘Operation Transom’ will be executed from 5:30 hours to 18:00 hours,Randall Cobb Packers Jersey UK, making full use of the available daylight.After each day’s work,Jerome Bettis Steelers Jersey UK, a weight limit of 21 tonnes will be set throughout the night, and until work commences the next day.An official said that while there would be some restrictions on the usage of the DHB as these repairs are going on, the bridge would not be completely closed to vehicular traffic. During rush hour traffic yesterday morning,Carnell Lake Steelers Jersey UK, some minor repair work was conducted on one of the end or junction posts of the DHB.This resulted in the restriction of trucks from crossing the bridge.According to one of the truck drivers,Eddie Lacy Packers Jersey UK, there is a procedure for large trucks to cross the bridge. Heavy trucks are given scheduled times to do so,Martellus Bennett Patriots Jersey UK, and cannot traverse the facility at leisure like other vehicular traffic. The DHB management was quick to note that yesterday’s repair work,Ernie Stautner Steelers Jersey UK, which lasted all of 20 minutes,DeAngelo Williams Steelers Jersey UK, had nothing to do with the programme for the Retractor Span.The reason trucks were restricted was because they drive slowly and the management of the DHB was trying to relieve as much congestion as possible.  Meanwhile,Logan Ryan Patriots Jersey UK, significant progress has been made on the truck scale being constructed on the West Bank side of the DHB. Sources within the Public Works Ministry could not give a definite estimate as to when the truck scale would be completed.

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