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Marlon Humphrey Jersey increases









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發表於 2017-7-1 00:07:55 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A recent $50,000 bonus for public servants does not extend to pensioners, Government says.Responding to questions on Wednesday related to the bonus announced earlier this month to certain categories of workers,Deion Jones Falcons Jersey, Minister of State, Joseph Harmon,Deion Sanders Falcons Jersey, explained that the $50,000 payment is for serving public servants who are earning less than $500,000 monthly.Harmon admitted that previously, it was the practice to give pensioners the level of increase that public servants would receive.The official insisted that his Government,Fernando Rodney Jersey, which came into office back in May following early general elections,Brad Richards Red Wings Jersey, has always taken serious steps to ensure that pensioners “…persons who have actually worked  their life, given the best years of their life, in the public service…” actually receive them (increases).Minister of State Joseph HarmonAccording to Harmon, Minister of Finance Winston Jordan, in addressing benefits for pensioners, had noted that it was the beginning of a number of measures to improve their lot.Meanwhile, responding to increased benefits for sweepers and cleaners hired to do work in schools across the country, the minister told reporters that the arrangements for them are still being worked out.The sweepers and cleaners, he said, are not in the same category of workers as other public servants as they work for certain hours.“I met last month with the (Guyana) Public Service Union and I gave them the assurance that we continue to work on this issue to make sure that it is resolved in the shortest possible time. So I understand the union’s anxiety,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, but we have also asked the sweepers/cleaners…we ask that they understand that we have their interest at heart and that specific features of the kind of services they provide,Cheap Sports Jerseys, the hours of work which they provide on a daily basis…will have to be categorized so we can make a decision in that regard.”Harmon does not see any major hurdles in having the issue resolved next year.

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