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發表於 2016-11-21 09:42:36 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Defensive coordinator Mike Pettine has a defensive scheme that acts a lot like a chameleon,Wholesale Jerseys, constantly changing it s pre-snap appearance. We examined if the new scheme will make the Bills unit one of the league leaders in sacks in our Top 25 questions until camp countdown. Bills veteran DT Kyle Williams is perfectly fine with the nenw approach,Kentavious Caldwell-Pope Pistons Swingman Jersey, knowing the perennial All-Pro quarterback in their division feasts on defenses that don t change things up.“I think they make things confusing,St. Louis Cardinals Mike Matheny Jersey,  said Williams of Pettine and his staff.  We can show blitz and get out of blitz,Detroit Tigers Lance Parrish Jersey, they can blitz outside,Sidney Crosby Jersey, inside. There’s just a lot of different things that we do it out of and we do it out of multiple personnel,Victor Oladipo Thunder Swingman Jersey, multiple formations. We can show a base look and you can blitz everybody out of it or you can bring one. There are just a lot of different ways that they can do things and with us playing Tom Brady twice a year you have to do different things to him. If you’re going to get in your defense and this is what we’re going to stay in and we’re going to play it well. No matter how well you play he’s eventually going to figure out how to spin the top on you. That’s one of the great things we’re doing now.”Williams admits the new scheme has been a shot in the arm for the guys on his side of the ball.“I think it’s exciting,Authentic Paul Millsap Hawks Jersey,  he said.  Anytime you have something new that you haven’t done before. Obviously it’s no secret. We haven’t had much success. At the end of the year I said,Enes Kanter Thunder Swingman Jersey, ‘I just want to win.’ You only get so long to play this game and I’ve been around for a little while. So I’m down for anything. I’m going to be me and give it everything I’ve got. I’m excited about it.”Jets defense,wholesale jerseys, in keeping teams off guard

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